Firebase Auth Tutorial

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Firebase Auth 101Authentication using Firebase SDK

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Bukhori Muhammad Aqid

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Firebase Auth : Some Capabilities

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Firebase Auth : Key Capabilities

● Firebase UI

provides a drop-in auth solution that handles the UI flows for signing in users with email addresses and passwords, Google

, and Facebook Login.

● Email & Password Authentication

● Federated identity provider integration

● Custom Auth Integration

Connect your app's existing sign-in system to the Firebase Authentication SDK and gain access to Firebase Realtime Database

and other Firebase services.

● Anonymous Auth

Use Firebase features that require authentication without requiring users to sign in first by creating temporary anonymous

accounts. If the user later chooses to sign up, you can upgrade the anonymous account to a regular account, so the user can

continue where they left off.

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Firebase Console : Create Project

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Facebook Developer : Create Project

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Firebase Console : Enable Auth

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1. Create a Firebase project in the Firebase console, if you don't already have one. If you already have an

existing Google project associated with your mobile app, click Import Google Project. Otherwise, click Create

New Project.

2. Click Add Firebase to your Android app and follow the setup steps. If you're importing an existing Google

project, this may happen automatically and you can just download the config file.

3. When prompted, enter your app's package name. It's important to enter the package name your app is

using; this can only be set when you add an app to your Firebase project.

4. At the end, you'll download a google-services.json file. You can download this file again at any time.

5. If you haven't done so already, copy this into your project's module folder, typically app/.

Integrate Firebase into your App

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● Add rules to your root-level build.gradle file, to include the google-services plugin

● Then, in your module Gradle file (usually the app/build.gradle), add the apply plugin line at the bottom of the

file to enable the Gradle plugin

Add Firebase SDK

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● Declare the FirebaseAuth and AuthStateListener objects.

● Initialize the FirebaseAuth instance and the AuthStateListener method so you can track whenever the user

signs in or out.

Integrate Firebase Auth

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● Attach the listener to your FirebaseAuth instance in the onStart() method and remove it on onStop().

You can also add the listener in onAttach() method & remove it on onDetach() if you’re using Fragment

Integrate Firebase Auth (2)

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● Create a new account by passing the new user's email address and password to


If the new account was created, the user is also signed in, and the AuthStateListener runs the onAuthStateChanged

callback. In the callback, you can use the getCurrentUser method to get the user's account data.

Registering a User

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● When a user signs in to your app, pass the user's email address and password to


If sign-in succeeded, the AuthStateListener runs the onAuthStateChanged callback. In the callback, you can use the

getCurrentUser method to get the user's account data.

Logging In a User

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● When a user signs in to your app, pass the user's email address to sendPasswordReset

If password reset succeeded, Firebase will send an email to your account for a password reset steps.

Forgot Password

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Integrate Facebook Login to your App

Facebook Login

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1. Add mavenCentral() to your Module-level /app/build.gradle before dependencies

2. Add the compile dependency with the latest version of the Facebook SDK in the build.gradle file

compile ''

3. Build your project. Import com.facebook.FacebookSdk into your app.

4. Initialize Facebook SDK before you can use it. Add a call to FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize from onCreate in your

Application class



5. add your Facebook App ID to your project's strings file and update your Android manifest

6. Add a meta-data element to the application element

<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value="@string/facebook_app_id"/>

Integrate Facebook SDK into your App

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Set your Native Platform data

Configure your Facebook App

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keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1

-binary | openssl base64

On Windows

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%\.android\debug.keystore | openssl

sha1 -binary | openssl base64

On Android Studio :

Getting your Key Hash Value

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Configure your Facebook Login Parameter

Configure your Facebook App

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● Create CallbackManager Instance

● Register CallbackManager onActivityResult()

Using Facebook Login Button

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● Add Facebook Login Button to your XML File

● Customize the properties of Login button and register CallbackManager

Using Facebook Login Button (2)

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● After a user successfully signs in, in the LoginButton's onSuccess callback method, get an access token for the

signed-in user, exchange it for a Firebase credential, and authenticate with Firebase using the Firebase credential

Integrate Facebook Login with Firebase

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Clone Sample Project at :

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Clone Complete Project at :

Thank you. Let’s talk!

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