2015 Q2 Hong Kong Mobile Market Statistics and Trends

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Hong Kong Mobile Advertising Statistics and Trends

Vpon - Leading Mobile Branding Advertising Expert for More than 1500 Advertisers

Taiwan Hong Kong China SSP

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Now 新聞

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Global Times

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Leading ADN & DSP Hybrid in Hong Kong 360 Mobile Marketing Solution

– Hong Kong Mobile Market

– Users Behavioral Pattern

– Boosting your Mobile Campaign ROI


‧Mobile Viewability ‧Mobile Retargeting

Hong Kong Mobile Market

Android Vs iOS 67.4% Android Compare to last quarter, the Android to iOS ratio maintains at approximately 7:3.

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Android Vs iOS 41.8% Phablet Android has higher percentage of phone users prefer phone with screen size between 5.3’’ to 6.9”.

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Top 10 Devices iPhone 6/6Plus occupy the first and second place in the mobile market. Top 10 is mainly the battle field between Apple and Samsung. Worth to note that Xiaomi is emerging and pushing itself to win low price market.

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Unique Users

Top 10 Android Devices

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Unique Users

remains the market leader and 6 of its phones hits top 10, with the Note product line continues as the hero product.


quickly picks the speed and move to the top 4, the price competitive strategy wins the market


6 out of top 10 phones are phablets whose screen size falls between 5.3’’ - 6.9’’. The screen size of the top phablet models lie between 5.3’’ - 5.9’’


iOS Devices

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Among the iPhone 6/6Plus users, 46% users are using the 5.5” iPhone 6 Plus which is slightly fewer than that of the standard 4.7” iPhone 6. It is expected the release of iPhone 6s will speed up the phone replacement of older iPhone versions.

iPHONE 6/6+ 57%

Mobile Browsers

Chrome is the most popular mobile browser and the trend shows that more Android users are switching to Chrome.


Hong Kong LBS Traffic in 18 Districts

New Territories shares nearly half of the traffic, Kowloon shares 33% while Hong Kong Island shares 20%

47% N.T

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Mainland Chinese Tourist LBS traffic in Hong Kong

Major traffic happens in the north-west New Territories which is close to the mainland border and the shopping areas like Yau Tsim Mong and Wan Chai Districts.

56% in New Territories

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Network Operators

No substantial changes in the user share of the operators and it remains stable. Each of four operators provides 4G LTE services

38% csl.

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Users Behavioral Pattern

Mobile Internet Access

Users prefers to use WiFi for video category apps while cellular data for News and Life category apps

66% Video on Wifi

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Hourly Traffic by Carriers

Android and iPhone traffic spikes at lunch time at 12 am - 1 pm and night time 8 - 10 pm PEAK HOURS at 1pm, 6pm, 10pm

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Android Apps Categories

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

Due to the recent fluctuation of the stockmarket, the finance category traffic has over 300% growth this quarter.

35.4% Video

iPhone Apps Categories

Source: UU, Q2, 2015, Vpon Inc.

With the larger phone screen size iPhone 6/6Plus, video traffic shows a significant increase. Due to the recent fluctuation of the stock market, the finance category traffic has over 200% growth this quarter.

32.6% Video

Boosting your mobile campaign ROI Viewability & Retargeting

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half”.

John Wanamaker

Mobile Viewability

Importance of Mobile Viewability

For long, there is confusion to the mobile advertising industry to fix ad count measurement and only with proper justification of the measurement will benefit

the growth of advertisers, agencies and publishers

In 2015, the Ad industry organisations have first given green light to transaction of served impressions based on 70% viewability thershold, how do you suit

yourself in this digital measuring revolution?

Give Opportunity to See

Definition of Viewability

at least 50% of ad pixels and last for at least continual 1s

at least 50% of ad pixels and last for at least continual 1s

Factors Affecting In-App Viewability

Web/App Environment Apps are designed to cater for the special mobile viewing habits and therefore apps usually provide better viewability than mobile websites.

Placement Movability Static placement position give a proper exposure of the 100% pixel of the creative ”ads”. In contrast, ads inserted in listing view can be skipped and can possibly lower the viewability

Factors Affecting In-App Viewability

Network Environment The network connection stability determines the cellular environment where traffic can be shield in varies situations e.g in lift or tunnel….

Loading Environment Ads should be only loaded when they are in-view, for ads loaded in hidden views or pages will not be counted viewable until being shown.

Mobile Retargeting

Extensive reach pave the way for Campaign Optimization Every campaign is different in a sense of different scenarios with unique target audience and goals. As to map out different audience segments from the mass audience pool, the first milestone of the campaign should be an extensive reach. It enables you to reach as many as prospective clients as possible to next step segmentation analytics.

Ad Scenario Analysis and Audience Segmentation Machine learning algorithm looks into the ad behaviors at different scenario and relevancy with targeted characteristic for lookalike segmentation. The more data you collect from step one, the better audience mapping can be realized.

Retargeting for better ROI The data pools of your previous campaigns are gold mines, they represent your prospective clients who are interested at particular scenario in your brand in recent time. It is a data driven strategy to boost your campaign performance and conversion.

Case Study - Retargeted Lookalike Audience of a Banking campaign

Comparison of different audience pools in the same campaign

For publishers:bd.hk@vpon.com For advertisers:sales.hk@vpon.com

