Widen's 2017 state of connectivity report webinar


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Widen Connectivity Webinar2017

Nina Brakel-Schutt Jake Athey


Marketing connectivity

? ? ? ?

What we learned…

Research Findings

The human side makes


Connectivity real

Q: What does it mean to be connected?

Q: What does it mean to be connected?


Brad Grzesiak is the CEO and co-founder of Bendyworks, a Madison, Wisconsin-based company that designs, builds, and fixes digital applications.





The ineffective way [of being transparent] is basically saying to our employees, “If you want to know something, just ask and we’ll tell you.” It’s not very effective because often times

people don’t know what to ask. And it sets up a power dynamic of having to almost beg for information.”




What does this mean to marketers and creatives?

Collaboration is a core


component of connectivity

Q: What is the best way to achieve a sense of connection at work?

survey respondents want to maintain work connections in person instead of email, text, or web/video conferencing.

survey respondents want to maintain work connections in person over email, text, or web/video conferencing.

survey respondents say being connected means being together in a physical space.

survey respondents want to maintain work connections in person over email, text, or web/video conferencing.

survey respondents say being connected means being together in a physical space.

Q: How important is being connected to a professional community for career growth and satisfaction?

Q: What would anonline community need to offer you,as a customer, to be worth your time?


Jenne Meyer is the Vice President of Brand at ERDMAN – a planning, design, and construction company specializing in health care facilities.

What:Once a month, Jenne’s marketing team dedicates time off site to simply being creative. This time connecting is called is a creative co-lab.

How:They leave the office and traditional meeting agendas behind, to find a place where they can work together, feel inspired to generate ideas, and have fun. The location and topic are very organic.

They take suggestions from everyone on the team. When a creative co-lab is coming up, Jenne will ask what people want to do.

Past co-lab locations:

● A walk around the block to get the blood moving ● Starbucks to relax and get centered ● A paint store to talk about color



I prefer to start collaborating face-to-face to make sure everybody has the right expectations, knows what we’re doing, and who we’re working with. And when they have questions

along the way, then we jump in on email.”




What does this mean to marketers and creatives?

Taking a break from


connectivity is necessaryto maintain balance

Q: What is the top device you use today to stay connected?

Q: What is the greatest challenge you experience with the marketing content you need to get done?

To processes (too many processes defeats efficiency)

To data (monitoring too often makes it difficult to measure)


Mike Pilarz is a content marketing evangelist at LinkedIn where he leads customer marketing and internal training programs that help LinkedIn clients become better content marketers.

What:Mike helps marketers create content that solves the problem of an audience and builds a direct, human connection with them.

How:Establish content goals from the get go and reach out to people on your teams to get at the information your audiences crave.

1. Ask your customer service team: Of the calls you got this week, what were the top four or five questions asked? (Create content to help answer those questions)

2. Ask your sales team: What pain points and challenges are you hearing from clients in terms of what they’re trying to solve for as professionals? (Create content that speaks to their pain points)

3. Ask your marketing team: What keywords are buyers and prospects using to research your product or service? (Which ones do you have the expertise to deliver content on?)



The goal is to do a couple of pieces of content really well rather than ten

pieces poorly or even mediocre, because the reality is no one’s opening up their LinkedIn feed or their inbox and saying “Man, I wish I had more content to sort through.”




What does this mean to marketers and creatives?

The future of Connectivity


- GREG YATES, Chief Marketing Officer, RICG Agency

Connectivity and DAM

survey respondents ranked “Measuring the effectiveness of your content” as one of their biggest challenges.

Q: Which tools do you use each day at work?

Technology wishlist from our research participants

Digital Asset









Teams Departments Divisions External Partners

Creative workflow Sales Enablement Web Management

Product Management Customer Service Human Resources

Web Content Management (WCM) Product Information Management (PIM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Marketing Automation

Social Media Management

The Big Three Takeaways


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