Viral Angels Presentation



Viral Angels is a Private Equity closed Members club, owned by the Members and structured as a Credit Union. It operates as a cooperative form of investment and provides Members with the ability to participate in corporate finance activities including public listings. The club takes an equity stake in each case it works and distributes the received shares among its Members, in accordance with their financial participation.

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”Extraordinary finance opportunitiesfor the small-scale investor”

Viral Angels Credit UnionFounded in June 2012Business operations in more than 25 countries Members in +70 countries

Head office in Stockholm

What is Viral Angels?

A private members equity club

A unique opportunity to be a shareholder in anumber of selected companies

A serious and exciting way to enhance your savings

”Extraordinary finance opportunitiesfor the smallscale investor”

What does Viral Angels do?Evaluates and selects companies with potential

Takes a strong shareholding position

Creates an action plan and sees it through to completion:

– Increases the number of shareholders

– Assists with mergers and acquisitions

– Raises capital and assists marketing

– Prepares for the Initial Public Offering (IPO)

Viral Angels stockholdings are distributed as follows:20% retained by Viral Angels

80% is allocated to the members

HistoryViral Angels personnel has experience from a largeamount of listings on several markets:

AIM & Plus Markets (London)Deutsche Boerse (Frankfurt, Berlin and Stuttgart)Aktietorget & NGM (Stockholm)NASDAQ (New York) …etc

Results in Viral Angels since the beginning:

+ 300%

Membership Benefits

Information about non listed companies

Weekly share allocations

Access to VA/X trading platform

Prepaid card (not included in Silver)

Access to education & training

Option to participate in:– Viral Angels bonus program

– Crowd funding

Membership Levels

€39 per monthAccess to VA/XCrowd fundingWeekly allocations (25%)

€89 per monthSilver withWeekly Gold-allocationsPayvault (prepaid card)

€145 per month €295 per month

€420 per month €585 per month €750 per month €990 per month

Gold withWeekly Platinum allocationsOption Pool

Platinum withWeekly Ruby allocationsUnderwriting

Ruby withWeekly Sapphire allocationsPerformance Pool

Sapphire withWeekly Emerald allocationsIndex Pool

Emerald withWeekly Diamond allocationsT24 Black Card(Replaces Payvault)

Diamond withWeekly Black Diamond allocations

Build your business

Income Options

Direct bonus in 5 levels

Leadership Bonus

Quarterly Cash bonus

Annual Leadership bonus

Monthly Bonus

Share BonusSpecial Promotions

Membership Real timeBonus

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Leaderbonus

Silver €39 €1 €1 €1 €1 €2 %

Gold €89 €10 €3 €2 €2 €4 %

Platinum €145 €15 €6 €3 €3 €6 %

Ruby €295 €30 €10 €6 €6 €12 %

Sapphire €420 €45 €13 €8 €8 €16 %

Emerald €585 €60 €18 €12 €12 €18 %

Diamond €750 €80 €23 €16 €16 €23 %

Black Diamond

€990 €105 €30 €20 €20 €30 %

How do I make money?






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Webinars in 11 languages

VA Open is our open market;Free for all members to participateOpen to companies outside of the VA portfolioA pre stage where VA may source its coming projects

VA will then choose companies from thismarket that they will want to move forwardwith and invest in.The selected companies will then bepromoted into the VA Prime list.

Only for the companies that Viral Angels has chosen to invest inThe companies that are included in VA Prime are represented onViral Angels Trading platform for unlisted shares

This market is only open for the paying members of Viral Angels.

PayvaultThe PayVault card is a prepaid debit card provided to allGold, Platinum, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald members.

T24 Black CardA prepaid debit card which includes a priority pass, whichgives you access to VIP-lounges and can be used at a greatmany airports around the world. Read more

VA have introduced a new activity, underwriting.This means that VA will guarantee certain selected project's offerings.

When underwriting an offering VA gets paid in shares.These shares are then allocated to the members qualified for this pool.

Option PoolIn most of VA's investments and underwriting cases, in addition to being paid in shares,VA also requires the company to issue an option to its members to buy in at a later stageat an attractive price versus the market.This pool consists out of all these options acquired by VA for its members.

Performance PoolWhen taking a company public, VA includes asuccess fee. This is based on the company'smarket cap once it's fully public.Should this exceed a certain figure, VA receivesadditional shares and these will be allocatedto the members entitled to this pool.

On VA's own lists, there will be an index, just as there is an index on the major stock exchanges.VA will then take a certain percentage out of the money coming in and buy stocks for the moneyaccording to the index so that it is spread out, just like the index is.This will make sure that there is always a market.The shares that are purchased will go to the Index pool and then be allocated to the membersentitled for this pool.