Timeline title sequence


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Timeline title sequence

First Title


This title initiates to the audience one of the production companies involved in the production process. This is a key part of the title sequence as it shows the

audience what they may expect to see in the film as they can potentially relate to the institutions previous work, which may be based around a particular

genre for example.

Second Title


This animation from the American film and television production and financing company identifies that they are part of the film’s success and that they had an

input into the films production.

Third Title


Here is another title which shows us that Film 4 were involved in the production process.

Forth Title


This is another production company, like the other company’s shown. However, this firm is very well known and this instantly tells the audience that

this film will be of a high standard. The animation has been seen by many consumers in other high end films, and this identifies to the audience that the

film should step up to the same standard.

Fifth Title


This is the first title which also shows video behind it. This shot will intrigue the audience as it is the first shot that stands out and identifies the narrative. The

title used identifies the production company “Film 44” which suggests that this was the main production company in the film.

Sixth Title


This title identifies that the director of the film is ‘Peter Berg’ this may be shown very early like this as the director may give the film some good

credibility. The audience may also be able to relate to his other films such as Battleship & hancock; these are two very successful films and this produces

even more anticipation for the film due to his previous success.

Seven Title


This title is different to any others as its main purpose it to identify the films name. This has been strategically placed, as the audience have been given

some footage previously based around the military and therefore when a title like this is used It produces enigma for what might happen to the soldiers as

the audience are confused as they are shown to be strong, but the title suggests they are vulnerable.

Eighth Title


This title shows the audience one of the well-known actors in the film. ‘Taylor Kitsch’ has previous experience in films such as battleship and the audience that watched that film are likely to watch this film if they enjoyed how he

acted in previous films.

Ninth Title


This title identifies another well-known actor ‘Emile Hirsch’. He has acted in other very successful films such as ‘into the wild’ which was rated 4/4 by

‘Roger Ebert’.

Tenth Title


Ben Foster is a well-known actor as he has acted in other famous titles such as ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’ this will bring in a variety of viewers as his previous

films are very different; so this enables the film to be seen by a variety of audiences.

Eleventh Title


This is a very powerful title as the soldier is on the ground and he is shown to the audience as in a lot of pain, but the training that the soldiers are under-

going needs to be extreme as they are going to be placed in the most extreme situations. The title that complements this shot is an actors name for ‘Ali

Suliman’. This actor has been in a huge number of films, and this therefore attracts further consumers to watch this film.

Twelfth Title


This final shot is very powerful as it identifies the struggle the soldiers must go through during regimented training. This shot also identifies the actor

‘Alexander Ludwig’ who ironically is seen to be the amateur solider in the film and therefore this shot is relevant as it shows him in pain.


So the shot and titles shown to the audience very clearly show what the film is about, and that the narrative is going to be action packed and entertaining to watch. However, the audience are still left trying to understand how the title links with the themes of the film and this intrigues them to watch further as it has not already been revealed to them. The titles used identify key institutions

and production companies such as universal, which makes the film look of a much higher quality before it has even started.

Key names such as ‘Peter Berg’ are used to identify the well-known director that has had previous successful films.

Other actor names are also used to attract the audiences which have watched their previous films. And this gives the film further credibility as well-known

actors are used.

I would personally say that the title sequence should have identified the main character as ‘Mark Wahlberg’ as this would have instantly intrigued further

audience members as he is one of the most liked actors right now!