Sanity Through a Redesign!!! SEO and Staying Visible in Search Results



Website redesigns, like death and taxes, can only be ignored for so long. When your time comes, how do you prepare and then interpret the resulting value of redesign efforts? How do you maintain the search visibility and organic traffic you already have? Will you be able to compare apples to apples or will other fruit enter into the picture? Barbara, who has helped countless clients preserve their search mojo during a redesign delivers advice on what to measure to prove your success and what to ignore to maintain your sanity. See other presentation that is a handout with the top 10 search/metrics-related things to do when redesigning a site. First presented at #emetrics San Francisco 2014.

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Sanity Through a


Barbara CollSF 2014



Top Reasons for Redesign and #1 Effect on

Measurement, Visibility and Sanity

New SEO Company = Tactical changes too many to mention in this small box

New CEO/CMO = New brand agency, new web design

Repositioning of Company/products = New content, new keywords

Company Name Change/Acquisition = Domain Name Change. Every URL Changes


Prepare for Redesign (1)

Keyword discovery research – what keywords define the company

Which content drives traffic into site (review landing pages) and set content/SEO strategy to maintain that content

Look at Page Authority ( and don’t kill pages with high page authority


Keyword Category Domination

Company = VMware

Keyword = virtualization


Instances of Keyword/Content * * *

* URLs/Filenames the same as pre-redesign


Internal Content Links Maintained



Main Nav



Prepare for Redesign (2)The Tedious Part

WebMaster Tools – Queries, Keywords, Clicks - TAKE SCREENSHOTS!

What do search results look like today! TAKE SCREENSHOTS!

As much as I hate to say it – run ranking reports

Set up redirect file for .htaccess





Little Things

Error Page in place?

Turned on the tracking code (since it was probably off on the beta site)?

Filtered out the design/development team (Search company too) from the analytics?

Connected Google analytics and Google Webmaster tools and have the same person looking at both


Right about NowSpot check for redirect errors – click on organic

search results

Home page change? 3 hours

Sitelinks? 1-3 days

Old and new URLs at same time – yup – some overlap

DNS propagation – 4-5 days across world

Major ranking changes – 2 weeks




What can you compare from previous site?


Organic Search TrafficComparing Pre-Post LaunchTraditional Analytics

Full siteVisitsUnique VisitorsTime on siteBounce rate

Traffic to pages where URL has NOT changed

QuestionableNumber of Pages Viewed/visitForm completions


Organic Search TrafficComparing Pre-Post Launch Queries, Keywords, Clicks


What CAN’T you compare from previous site?


Organic Search TrafficWhat you CAN’T CompareContent by page (unless you kept the URLs the

same) (ie. Visits to company/mgt/ceo would need to be mapped to company/management/ceo)

# of Pages visited

Path through site

Top content

Landing pages

Questionable Consumption of resources (whitepapers, etc)


Go back and revisit your screenshots of search results prior to redesign.

-Did it work?

-Do the snippets make sense?

Question – when do you intervene?



Turns UpLots of Things

Barbara Coll
