Ryan Holiday, American Apparel DMX Dublin 2014 - Don Draper is Dead. Find Out How Brands are Really...



The foundations of marketing are being disrupted. The last crop of billion-dollar brands; Facebook, Airbnb, WhatsApp, Twitter, Dropbox. Who marketed them? Not Madison Avenue, that’s for sure. Something has replaced the vaunted Marketing Director position. It’s called a “growth hacker,” a marketing and engineering hybrid who develops growth engines—referral programs, stunts, API integrations and other deeply analytical campaigns. Considering the fact that they are building marketing and social sharing into their products, will they ever need anything like Madison Avenue ever again? Learn whether the skills that took generations to refine and build are making marketing roles irrelevant.

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as marketers is to to answer these questions:

“Make stuff people want.”

Paul Graham, Founder of Y Combinator

“In the absence of big budgets, start-ups learned how to hack the system to

build their companies.”

Micah Baldwin, Founder of Graphic.ly

“Virality isn’t luck. It’s not magic. And it’s not random. There’s a science behind why

people talk and share. A recipe. A formula, even.”

Jonah Berger, Author of Contagious

“The end goal of every growth hacker is to build a

self-perpetuating marketing machine that reaches

millions by itself.”

Aaron Ginn, Head of Growth at StumbleUpon

“The focus needs to be on improving customer


Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup

“If you know the Way broadly you will see it in



After every retail outlet, from Barnes & Noble to your corner

bookstore, refused to carry author Tim Ferriss’ third book, The 4-

Hour Chef his goal of hitting the New York Times bestseller list

seemed impossible.

In response, Ferriss partnered with Bittorrent to give away more than

250 pages of extra material from the book to anyone visiting Bittorrent’s


Ultimately, this partnership resulted in over 2,000,000 bundle downloads, astounding book sales, comfortably putting the book on

every bestseller list, including The New York Times, USA Today, and

Wall Street Journal

Special Bonus for DMX Dublin 2014

Get the actual transcripts of the interviews from Growth Hacker Marketing, a free chapter from Trust Me, I’m Lying, and a code for two free months of Growth

Hacker TV (a $58 value)!

Just send an e-mail to: growthhackermarketing@gmail.com
