Pre Launch Hustle Marketing For Startups


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Marketing For Startups(Using social media before launch)


Topics Covered1. Startup Idea to launch (old & new way)2. Establishing foundation before marketing 3. Social media & key pre launch activities 4. Platforms for 2016 and beyond5. Some extra stuff (hacks)



1 – Idea to launch (the old way)

Idea Launch Marketing


I have a product, but how do I find users?


1 – Idea to launch (the NEW way)


Cust DevProd Dev

Launch 1

Pre-launch marketing Build fans + Build connections / Cust Dev + Email List = Build community


2 – Setup Foundation Before Marketing• Website / landing page ready ( • Email capture form • Google analytics installed • Setup social media channels ( setup all, BUT focus on 2 – 3)

Same name + Logo Bio and link to your website


Website Example1. What is it?2. Email capture


FiveOHLanding Page


Social media and pre-launch activities


A – Build Fans & Supporters

1) Post consistently 2) Use these initial tactics

• Invite friends (Facebook)• Follow “fans of your competition” (TW & Instagram)• Follow “fans of startup friendly organizations” • Search (Hashtag or keywords) and follow (TW & Instagram)• Ask people at the end of your presentations


Finding competition or “similar apps”1 – Google search 2 – Product hunt 3 – Angel list 4 – Beta list 5 – Twitter search (e.g. #Fashion, #FashionApp)


HomeworkMake a list of 2 – 5 competitors or “similar startups”


B – Build connections (Customer Dev)

1) Connections = feedback + customer development 2) Use these initial tactics

• Invite friends (Facebook)• Follow “fans of your competition” (TW & Instagram)• Search (Hashtag or keywords) and follow (TW & Instagram)• Ask people at the end of your presentations


C – Build your email list Bring Traffic to your website

1. Offline hustle (Meetups, Local events)2. Exchange business cards3. Startup pitch competitions (WIN OR VALIDATE) 4. Startup communities (Hackernews)5. “Can I pick your brain” other startup founders6. BLOG

5 – Social Platforms for 2016 & Beyond A. The giants keep growing (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

Pinterest, LinkedIn etc.)B. Facebook has the most data (best Advertising options)C. Focus on visual content (Video, Images, Gifs) D. Live streaming video is here (Periscope, Facebook live)E. Rise of Snapchat as a marketing platform

And in 1 year from now, we will have MORE


FORGET THE TRENDS• Pick 1 or 2 platforms, use, test, and build community• What are you good at?



Some Extra Stuff

Social Content Ideas (What to post) 1. Share your WHY2. Talk about your team3. Show off your product / MVP 4. Post about relevant events 5. Share your milestones 6. Talk about the community 7. Share industry news (popular blogs)

Setup Google Alerts 1. Go to Setup alerts on your keywords (Fashion app, Food app etc.)3. Google will send you daily emails 4. Make a list of writers / bloggers / journalists 5. Pitch to them when it’s the RIGHT TIME


Ali Mirza

