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My music magazine will be called ‘ON TOP’ and will be about the

alternative rock genre. It will be published by Bauer, as they have

published so many magazines in the same style, all that are

successful and have a high reader profile, so I believe that they

would work well with me and my magazine to publish it successfully.

My target audience will be both male and female, aged between 15

and 24, but I will include enough to engage with a wider audience

too. It will be priced at £2.50, as I think this is affordable.

My colour scheme will be black, white and blue as I am

appealing to a niche audience and I want my magazine to be

different to the generic rock magazines that are already published

on the market. The title and headlines will be bold to catch the

reader’s eye and I will use the font ‘plane crash’ for my masthead

and logo, which will be the same throughout so it can be identified

with. The rest of my text will be clear and easy to read, set out in a

straightforward way, which will show elegance within my magazine,

even though it is a rock genre which typically doesn’t portray class,

but once again, I am appealing to a niche audience.

I will include studio images as well as images on location to

create a variety and show my audiences favourite singers not just

posed in front of a camera but also in a more natural setting which

shows more of a feeling of real life and my audience can feel

connected with the artists. I will have in-depth and detailed articles

and interviews with certain bands and singers which I think will be

of interest to my target audience as well as including a subscription

section of information and also competitions with worthwhile and

exciting prizes.
