Personalizing Your Triggered Emails (Dave Moore)


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Dave Moore, Product Manager Engage


Personalizing Your Triggered Emails

Use triggered emails to promote your brand and make relevant offers


Welcome, Thanks

Transactional (bills, recipes, confirmations)

Post-Purchase (survey, reviews)Date TriggeredAbandoned Conversion


Behavioral triggered


(e.g. How to use the product)

A Business-as-Usual Problem

Active List Size of 500,000 Addresses

200 Marketing Sends/Year

Unsubscribe @ 0.25% from each blast

500,000 * (200 * 0.25%) = 250,000

Source: Epsilon

Lists have a half life

$3.00 * 250K = 750K

Immeasurable Costs

Triggered Campaigns



Open Rates


Source: Epsilon

• In ’13, triggered messages accounted for 3.5% of total email volume, (2.6% increase YOY).

• Triggered message open rates were 72.6% higher than BAU messages in Q2 2013

Why Personalize Triggered?• Customers are increasingly experiencing your brand through triggered emails

– Higher Opens, Higher Clicks, Growth in Triggered Sends

• We want to deepen the relationship – Chase CLTV and develop Brand Advocates

• Competition is getting closer – Triggered is becoming more prevalent

“When the Marketer and the Customer know each other, but are not together”

Recent Behavior Current Context On-Site Consistency

Personalize content already sent via your ESP

My Triggered Experience

The Arts

• Interest/event triggered

•Reason to act

•Missed opportunity towards cross-sell


•Build connections with your Brand

•Message around my current circumstance

•Help me succeed where possible


•Take the extra step over your competition!

•Help me find your best brand experience


• I recently read about the political arena in Egypt

•Opportunity to leverage both location and device to further market


•Consistency help users take action, across channels

•Should know I recently read about pre-approvals

•Expand your business, best position your offerings

•Carry that experience through on-site

B2B Tech


• Leverage recent behavior to determine industry affinity

•Avoid a poor experience, let user take action

Combine with Real-Time Testing

•No need to pre-test

•Use it when you need to at the click of a button

•Decide faster

A Way Forward

•Review your emails, define a strategy •Start small •Real-time email testing •Consistency to on-site experience •Trigger for send, personalize at open
