Nonprofit Digital Marketing


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SocialRaise is an organization comprised of a team of 14 people that’s based in Chicago, IL. Around 80% of our client base is in the nonprofit sector, while around 80% of our revenue comes from the for-profit sector. This helps us keep prices reasonable for our nonprofit partners.

We help nonprofits raise funds, awareness and impact via digital marketing and technology development. We’ve worked on capital campaigns ranging from $1 million - $13 million utilizing digital (strategy, marketing automation, constituent relationship management, websites, mobile, content strategy - to name a few)

Ballet On Wheels Dance School & Company’s needing to raise funds to support more dance scholarships for young people of diverse backgrounds with the focus on teaching them the art and appreciation of classical ballet and other dance genres. To raise such funds, Ballet on Wheels needs to raise awareness for the organization, engage the right targeted audience and cultivate the relationship with that audience turning them to donors and advocates.

That is what we do and this is how we do it.

Program overview

Our approach is straightforward; we use the power of a $120,000 Google Grant to boost site traffic. We create custom landing pages that speak to the different elements of the campaign to

convert traffic into donors, volunteers and constituents. Then, we place those contacts on different automated marketing campaigns (think of this as detailed automatic email campaign)to cross-promote other things going on in your organization. Through detailed reporting – we tweak to

always improve. Then, we train you to take the reigns and “teach you how to fish.”

Why is using technology important?

55% of people who engage with causes via social media are inspired to get more involved

For every

1000 email subscribers non profits have 285 Facebook fans, 112

Twitter Followers and 13 mobile subscribers

For every 1000 website visitors, a nonprofit raises


Email is responsible for

1/3 of online fundraising


Email is responsible for

1/3 of online fundraising

Source: Source: Source:

A couple recent case studies...

American Guild of Music.

● Free ad spend almost $75k of to date. (all through Google Grants) ● This led to an average 3x the amount of traffic in recent months.● 84% are new visitors to the site.● Adwords primarily drives awareness for their programs page, ranking the most trafficked


Pilot Light● Free ad spend almost $74k to date. (all through Google Grants) ● This led to 3x the amount of traffic in 12 months. (When started, they were averaging way

around 50 sessions/day. Now consistently between 200-350/day.) ● 85% new visitors to site.● 51% of traffic is new traffic since our engagement.

Step 1 - Discovery

Getting to know you and your organization – almost as well as your internal team – helps us put together a plan to successfully address your specific goals. Your project kicks-off with a Discovery Process geared to bring your team and ours together to identify:

· Who is your organization – and who are the people or institutions that should get to know you?· What do you need to convey to those prospective supporters or program participants?· How do we best communicate your value to them?

What we learn about you will inform every decision as we create your communications plan.

Step 2: Boosting site traffic using the $120K Google Grant

Once we’ve identified the “who, what and how” from Discovery, we’ll use that to create a campaign strategy and The right combination of ad , web site content, search terms and automated follow-up can allow you to: Educate people on your programs and services Drive participation in your events Engage and nurture potential new donors and volunteers Solicit corporate sponsorship Google gives $120,000/year worth of advertising at no-cost to each eligible 501(c)3 – but as many nonprofits discover the hard way, you need a well-executed and focused communication strategy to put it to work for you.

Step 3: Converting site traffic into donors, volunteers and constituents

We design and develop custom landing pages that speak specifically to the ad audience. Each landing page has different “hooks” that will ask for user information – such as a newsletter subscription, “contact us”, a donation form, or an opportunity to register to a new event. Each landing page must be relevant to the ad campaign in order to be effective.

Step 4: Automating and Communicating

Building new traffic is great. But what you do with that traffic is truly what’s important. We build an automated campaign based upon new users that visit your site. If they sign-up for more information or join your mailing list, we build out an automated process to convert those users into donors, volunteers and other constituents supporting your organization. This is accomplished through a strategic set of communications fully tailored for Ballet on Wheels.

Step 5: Reporting and Optimization

Since you can only manage what you measure, the information and actions of your new prospective donors and volunteers will be captured and available in reports to share with members of the Boards, funders and other stakeholders. Everyone can keep close tabs on progress via transparency and data.

Step 6: Training/ Teaching you ‘how to fish’

The goal of this campaign is to also “teach you how to fish”, and to how to manage and grow the tools put in place. We have an extensive “onboarding” and training sessions with you and whomever on your staff that you’d like trained.

Timing and Pricing

Project Timeline.The project would take 5 months. This includes obtaining the Grant, setting up the systems and infrastructure needed, creating the strategy, delivering the campaigns and continuing to analyze, monitor and tweak the campaigns to ensure they are fully optimized. In the 5th month, key players within your organization participate in a professional development training session and learn how to manage and run future campaigns within your new marketing eco-system.

Costs.The budget required would be $5000, to be paid in 2 installments (one at kickoff and final payment at 60 days post agreement).
