Levelling up to the needs of the Marketing Dept. & the Boardroom



In today’s data driven world, PR must keep pace with the speed of wider business planning and decision making. To feed the right intelligence and insights to the marketing department and up to the board room requires that comms professionals move beyond measurement for self-justification. More than ever data gathered must help to inform present and future strategy rather than provide a rear view mirror on what’s happened. These slides will look at fresh survey data commissioned by Hotwire that addresses how comms professionals are using data today and the critical views of marketing professionals.

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Wednesday 12 April 2023

Levelling up to the needs of marketing and the boardroomAMEC Measurement Week


“I have been struck again and again by how important measurement is to improving the human condition.”

Bill Gates


• Intros – our panel

• Background of research

• Hotwire research and discussion

• Q&A

Group CEO, Hotwire Co-Founder, Question and Retain Group MD, Political Intelligence Ex-Head of Europe, Alibaba

now CEO of Tradewise

Meet the panel

Brendon Craigie Imogen Osborne Nick Lansman James Hardy

#HWdata @hotwirepr

Join the conversation

@hotwirepr @brendoncraigie

#HWdata #AMECatwork

Let’s dive in

Dissecting data usage

Planning has surpassed

measurement as the primary use of

data in PR and comms

51% use PR and social media data to inform future

campaign and communications strategies

Which of the following best describes how you primarily use PR and social media data in your organisation?

#HWdata @hotwirepr

Data insights

Comms departments have

mastered data as a planning tool

83% think data is used effectively

How effectively does your communications department use data and insights to inform strategy and planning?

#HWdata @hotwirepr

Data ready?

There’s no place to hide: marketers

have skills, tools and capabilities to

understand data79% agree with this statement

“My organisation is well equipped to extract meaningful insights from PR and social media data it collects”

#HWdata @hotwirepr

Always on?

Despite a 24/7 media, a 9-5

mentality is still ingrained in PR

and comms53% only said their team is "always on"

and can act in real time

Is your communications team able to act on data from events and insights in real time (e.g. immediately) if required?

#HWdata @hotwirepr

Trust in data

Healthy scepticism: data without insight

and experience provides only a

partial view49% don’t completely trust their own data

How much trust do you have in the accuracy of the data and insights that comes out of the following functions?

#HWdata @hotwirepr


Let’s chat…

@hotwirepr @brendoncraigie

#HWdata #AMECatwork

69 Wilson StreetLondon EC2A 2BBTelephone +44 (0) 20 7608 4624brendon.craigie@hotwirepr.comwww.hotwirepr.com

Thank you