Introduction to SpinLabel Technologies 05 02 2014



Transform your water bottles into dynamic and flexible marketing platforms!

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  • 1.Introducing the opening of the Southeast United States market and our authorized partner; Our recent acquisition of Creative Water Concepts, Inc., makes it simple and convenient for all types of businesses and organizations to create their own private label water for marketing purposes or special occasions. Creative Water Concepts has been the preferred private label bottled water supplier for thousands of companies in the U.S. and Caribbean since 1996.

2. Why use spin labeled water? Page 2 Not simply a LOGO! Enforce your brand message, highlight differentiators, testimonials, use multiple languages to engage more of the community. Economic, effective and easy way to interact with clients and prospects. Unique and fun way to engage your patrons. Emphasize community involvement and corporate sponsorships. Ideal for making a lasting impression, announce upcoming openings and events, new expertise and offerings, or simply commemorate an event. 3. Page 3 Private Label? Or Spin Label? Transform your water bottles into dynamic and flexible marketing platforms! 4. What is a SpinLabel? The patented spin label is actually two labels, a top label and a bottom label. As the consumer spins the top label, information on the bottom label is revealed through a window, thus increasing labeling space on a package of approximately 75%. Page 4 5. What is so powerful about spin labeled bottled water? Spin label bottled water allows the creation of a focused message that is attached to a quality bottle of water. The message often passes from one customer to another, one customer to a prospect and prospect to prospect. It delivers and creates word of mouth advertising. The message, clear and direct, promotes the overall brand image, may support a specific event or promotion and can be changed to take advantage of new opportunities. For a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising media or venues you can place your message on a tangible product and in the hands of those that matter most: your customers. Inspire confidence, display stability while providing high quality hydration. 6. SpinLabel The Possibilities Generate advertising revenue when you share panels on the base label with your chosen partners for specials, discounts, or cross promotions. This ad revenue could be additional income for your business or help subsidize the cost of the water. Spinlabeled windows, presold to sponsors, is a great vehicle for Charitable and non-profit organizations to raise money at events such as walks, runs, sports, school functions etc. SpinLabeled water with your message is great to donate to these events. Provide water in each guest room and sell on a per bottle basis, include in room fee or include in honor bar refrigerator. Sell water at retail, hotel gift shop, hotel pool, shows & concerts, restaurants, cold boxes, and by cocktail hosts. Give away at valet parking promoting a patrons return visit, vendor offerings and upcoming events. Use discount codes to capture what customers are purchasing. 7. SpinLabel The Possibilities 8. SpinLabel - FAQ Page 8 What is the minimum quantity to order spinlabel water? Minimum orders for spinlabel begins around 600 cases. Smaller orders can be accommodated. Do we have to have all of the water delivered at the same time? No. However, it is always preferable to have stock on hand (you will not want to run out of spin water once you have it). We will work with you on the proper delivery schedules. Who does the art work for the labels? Our team can work with you to design the proper messaging, or, we can provide templates and guidelines to your existing agency or in-house creative team. What is the lead time for delivery? Lead time for the first order is generally 7-10 weeks from the date of approved artwork, afterward a normal delivery schedule is established. Can we change the messages on the bottles? Yes, we can design a program to refresh the base label messaging. Make sure to discuss this with your Spin rep. How much does it cost? For a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising media you can place your message on a tangible product and in the hands of your prospects & customers. Literally pennies more than regular PL water. Spinlabel requires the adherence of two labels that will cover the entire panel of your container, delivering up to 75% more usable space. Pricing will vary, subject to quantities, sizing, delivery schedules and label design. Why should I pay more for a spinlabel? SpinLabel is not a logo wrapped bottle of water. The spinlabel turns a standard, static PL bottle of water into a dynamic marketing and promotional tool. Your message is delivered directly to the hands of potential consumers on an informative, interactive and fun platform. Your message will be read, they will hold on to it longer, reading your message and showing it to others. Deliver your message! Not just your logo. 9. Now that youve decided SpinLabel bottled water is right for your business, lets get started! Page 9 1. Determine container size and volume. Yearly? Quarterly? Monthly? Seasonal? 2. Create a time line for delivery. Estimated delivery will be 7-10 weeks from the time we have received both a deposit and approved art work. 3. How much inventory will you keep on hand? 4. Discuss your preferred delivery schedule? 5. Develop your core message and branding. 6. What message do you wish to convey to consumers of your product? Consider any upcoming special offerings, events, sponsorships, charities, golf tournaments etc. 7. How often would you like to refresh this message? 8. Have you considering selling the space on your spinlabel? If yes, then action steps must be taken to begin the process of pricing and marketing this real estate, before label design can be completed. 10. Thank you! Next steps? Contact Page 10 Barry Simons President SpinLabel Technologies, Inc. 561-429-6886