

How do inbound marketing agencies compare with other digital marketing and traditional ad agencies and what are the challenges and opportunities lying ahead? In this session, we will explore the ways each type of agency positions itself and how they meet customer demands. What are the unique qualities of each, and can they work together to create added value? What opportunities are out there for inbound agencies, working with other agencies, and what are the best strategies for pitching and closing them?

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If Your Agency Were an Animal…

How Inbound Agencies Fit Into the Marketing Services Ecosystem Jungle

John McTigue

Kuno Creative

Fun fact: Owner and Sanitary Manager of 2 horses, 1 donkey, 2 dogs and 5 cats…



1 It’s a Jungle Out There!

2 Lions and Tigers and Bears…

3 What Do Our Customers Want?

4 How Can We Survive, and Thrive?


It’s a jungle out there!


Welcome to the jungle!


2 Lions and Tigers and Bears… Oh My!



Family LoversHunt in PacksNever Wasteful



Work AloneSelective SpecialistsAggressive



Eat AnythingTop of the Food ChainFun Loving, Playful


Which species are you?


Which species are you?


1 Inbound Marketing Agency – Lean and Mean!

2 Specialty focus: industry, discipline, location

3 Creative is often outsourced, strategy insourced

4 We work alone – keep clients to ourselves on retainer

5 Growing, highly competitive sector, $1-10m revenues

How to Be a Tiger


“We're 10 minutes outside of NYC and it seems like weekly we meet with big prospects and we go up against some of the biggest traditional agencies in the country for new business.

I don't fear those agencies...

I think they fear us.”

- Jason Diller, The DSM Group


U.S. agency revenue increased 3.7% to $39.1 billion in 2013

- AdAge


1 “Boutique” agency – do 1 or 2 things VERY WELL

2 Emphasis on creative

3 Go-to agency for one or more Bears

4 Often work together under Bear Management

5 60-100+ employees, $20-100m revenues

How to Be a Lion


“I believe the [large] ad agencies do a tremendous job of creative and campaign ideation and as a smaller agency we can't hope to compete for that type of business. We have had a lot of success actually working alongside these agencies to help them quantify the campaign itself and how effective it was.”

- Drew Himel, PCR


1 Agency of Record for large brands

2 NYC, LA, Chicago, Miami, London, Paris…

3 Billions in revenues (Omnicon – $9.74b)

4 Clients come to you (or at least they used to…)

5 Lion Tamers!

How to Be a Bear


“I have collaborated with several larger agencies - some traditional and broad-based, others that are very vertical in a particular channel - and if they're open to the idea of aligning creative product with business results, then they'll listen.”

- Ilene Rosenthal, White Space Marketing Group


3 What do our customers want?


Over 45% want more choice in agencies.

Source: RSW/US 2014


• Clarify your goals

• Evaluate several agencies

• Large or small agency?

• Craft an effective RFP

• See their work

• Seek compatible work processes

• Require references

• Compare pricing & deliverables

Clients are learning…


Over 50% rate agency specialty as very important.

Source: RSW/US 2014


“Agencies lose their way because they don't know what business to say 'no' to. I think too often in our business a scarcity mindset exists and we say yes to crappy work. We have found that the more intentional we've become about the type of work we know we can hit out of the park, the more success we experience.”

- Tiffany Sauder, Element Three


It used to be marketers sought advertising ideas. Now they just want ideas.

Maureen Morrison, AdAge


4 How will we survive, and thrive?


Maybe we need tochange our stripes…


What’s your next BIG IDEA?


Pitch and sell ideas, not methods

Workshop to Get to Know You

Base Retainer to Hire You

Pitch New Ideas Each Month

Put Time & Money Into It

Involve Your Sales Team


Get your client service act together

What happens when I screw up?

Respect what it takes to do great creative

In a high-tech world, be low-tech

Be brief, be bright, be gone


Think like a Lion or at least change your stripes!

Lead with ideas, not just results

Pitch like a pro – or learn how

Reach out to other Tigers and Lion Agencies

It’s up to you…



