HubSpot Integration Lightning Talks - September 2016 Austin HubSpot User Group


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Welcome to


11:30-11:50am- sign in/network/fill out lunch order card

11:50am- Announcements

12:00pm-12:45 pm- HubSpot Integration Lightning Talks

12:45pm- Wrap up

First time at HUG?

We’re so glad you’re here! We meet once a month to share inbound marketing best practices and get to know other marketers in Austin.

Upcoming HUG Events:

October 27: Lunch meeting at Flying Saucer, topic TBD.

November 10: Happy hour at Inbound in Boston, 5-7 pm. Stay tuned for more details.

November 18: Lunch meeting at Flying Saucer: The Best of Inbound with HubSpot guest speaker Ari Plaut

No meeting in December

Reminders about changes to HUG• We’ll be sending out a survey after each HUG meeting to

get your feedback.

• If you have a job opening you’d like to share with the HubSpot User Group, there’s a place on the HUG site for you to share the information. We’ll send an email out to the whole HUG list.

If 10 members use code: Win a copy of an inbound influencer’s book GOT IT!

If 20 members use code: Win exclusive HUG branded swag that will make your INBOUND experience extra delightful GOT IT!

Group with the most codes used: Entire group gets access to reserved up-front seating during all keynotes & INBOUND Rocks

INBOUND 2016 Prizes for HUGs Our Code: HUGAustin

Right now we’re in third place with 28 people registered. If you’ve already registered but didn’t use the code HUGAustin, email and she’ll get you added to our list!

Current standing:

- Format is 3-5 minutes - If you want to share something on the projector, you can use mine - I asked a few people to get us started - If you have questions about certain integrations for the

group, that’s fine too!

HubSpot Integration Lightning Talks

Snap Engage Chat Integration David Moore, Trendkite

Quiz Integration - Michelle Araiza, Insights
