How to build a brand in every levelof marketing funnel with Facebook ad


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How to build a brand in every level

of marketing funnel

Who’ve bought the ticketafter facebook ad?

Who’ve bought the ticket after the first contact?






Cold audience

Warm audience


People who don’t know about your brand but have interest in this sphere

or look like your target audience

What people indicate in their profiles

Topics people read or liked on Facebook

How and where people use Facebook

Set the audience at intersection of different interests

Personalize your message!Every person has his own troubles. Segment them.

Every segment needs personal advertisement message.


What is our goal on this level?

Get knowledge and engage Generate traffic to the website

Lead forms inside your Facebook page If you don’t have a website but need registrations

Audience doesn’t leave comfort zone


People who know your brand and was engaged in your content

Your followers

Friends of your followers

Ads Manager → Audiences → Create custom audience

Choose videos on your page and type of involvement

What message can we use?

What about your subscribers or contacts? Ads Manager → Audiences → Create custom audience

e-mail subscribers offline customers registrations


People who visited your website

Collect audiences from website pages Ads Manager → Audiences → Create custom audience

All visitors

Specific product or micro conversion

Product 1 exclude Product 2 up / down / cross sale

Start of purchase exclude «Thank you» page abandoned basket


If you really have huge LTV and need recalling your customers



People who visited your «Thank You» page or your customers contacts

How can you make your clients more loyal and happy?

Audience is loyal.Just be interesting and useful.


Separate your audiences. Exclude warmer from colder ones

Every call to action must have a specific motivation

for audience

Thank You!

And Rock the Digital!

Alex Oleynik Odessa, Ukraine

CEO @ Netocrat CommunicationsLecturer @ Hillel IT @oleynik.od

BONUS: useful video about FB-analytics
