How To Best Utilize The Various Video Social Media Apps



Social media is changing the way the world is communicating with each other. Now, everyone, not just the mainstream media has a voice and a platform to express their opinion.

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How To Best Utilize The Various Video Social Media Apps

Social media is changing the way the world is communicating with each other. Now, everyone, not just the mainstream media has a voice and a platform to express their opinion.

For a business, social media can also be very powerful. It is a great way to communicate and share content with existing and potentially new customers about new products and services, as well as a way to advise and show your expertise on a specific subject.

This content can be shared in a variety of different ways including via copy-rich blog portals such as WordPress and Blogger, micro-blog sites like Twitter and Facebook and photo-sharing sites like Instagram and Flickr.

Besides the above, it is also super critical that your social media strategy include video. Here’s why:

According to Digital Insights, in a single day, 100 million people are watching videos online. Of those 100 million people, an average person spends 16 minutes a week watching videos.

From that, 50% watch videos that are business related and 65% visit the marketer’s website after they viewed the video.

A few years ago, if you created a video (personal or business related) you would most likely think you would need a production company to create it and then setup an account and upload it to YouTube.

Well, times have changed and now you have options. With the help of smartphones and tablets anyone can become “Steven Spielberg”, and a video can be shared with the world in a matter of seconds. Here are a few top mobile apps that can help make your business video successful:

1) Vine

Owned by Twitter, Vine is a micro-video app and website that lets users create and upload short videos 6 seconds in length. For a business to be successful on Vine, you probably want to use it as a branding tool. Perhaps have your company mascot or hire a celebrity to say a quick few words about why your company is great and why people should utilize you. If that isn’t enough time, you may suggest someone within your company to creatively tell your company’s tagline in a video. Lowes and Urban Outfitters have been extremely successful in creating short branded Vine tip-type videos. Once uploaded and watched, the video will automatically loop continuously until the viewer stops and moves on to another video.

2) Instagram Video

Owned by Facebook, Instagram also in the past year came out with the ability for users to create short videos. Their platform though is 15 seconds in length and provides users with color filters and a stabilization feature called “cinema” which helps eliminate those shaky handheld shots. Being that you have over the double the amount of time to create an Instagram video, compared to a Vine video, this app could work great in getting customer testimonials, showcasing a providing or providing a quick virtual tour or behind-the-scenes of your storefront or facility. General Electric, Burberry and Callaway Golf have all been successful in creating short videos of their products and brand via Instagram video. With Instagram video though you want to make sure to always include hashtags in your description once you upload it as it will help to get found by new eyeballs.

3) SocialCam

In addition to Vine and Instagram, another great option for creating videos using a mobile device is by utilizing an app called SocialCam. Similar to Instagram, SocialCam has cool filters you can apply to your videos but doesn’t have any length restrictions. In addition, it allows you to easily add music to videos which can help motivational and inspirational type videos go viral. Once you complete a video utilizing SocialCam, you can easily share it with your YouTube Channel, Facebook and Twitter feeds. The Brooklyn Nets, NBA basketball team has been very successful on SocialCam by providing nutrition tips as well as messages from players and coaches. Sierra Mist uses the app to promote its all-natural ingredients and by showing Chefs providing viewers with great recipes that will go great with the cola.

Video in social media isn’t a fad and is only going to get bigger and more advanced. If you don’t embrace it now, you can really hurt your business in the long-run. Utilize the tools available and always monitor for new advancements in software and technology that become available. It will definitely help in making your business be more visible and standout.
