Email Marketing 101 by Josue Sierra



I presented these introductory concepts for better understanding email marketing, and some of the key best practices to help you succeed in starting up your email marketing program. I also touch on social media, and how it should integrate with email marketing. ABOUT JOSUE: I am passionate about helping people & organizations communicate with clarity using digital tools so they can develop stronger, more meaningful relationships & impact their world. Currently looking for new career opportunity in Email Marketing, Digital Marketing or Online Product Management. Learn more about me at:

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Email Marketing 101

AN OVERVIEW By Josue Sierra --

Advantages of Email

• Ability to personalize content & click links.

• Easy to segment, and do narrow targeting.

• Timely and detailed response & engagement metrics (opens, clicks, etc).

• Easy to integrate across channels, and measure impact across channels.


ReturnPath, December 11, 2012, Campaign Monitor, September 2012,

The Responsive Revolution

Responsive emails detect the pixel width of the device screen they are being viewed on and adapt by adjusting their size, shape and layout.

Taking a look at mailchimp

Referral URL:

Email EngagementThe 5 most essential elements of an email.

Don’t Forget Mobile:

1. Small screen: when your screen is the size of a business card, text and structure must be easy to understand quickly.

2. Touch: when input methods are imprecise (compared to a mouse!), opportunities for engagement must be clear and usable.

Rules of engagementThe 5 most essential elements of an email.

Rules of engagementThe 5 most essential elements of an email.

Rules of engagementThe 5 most essential elements of an email.

Rules of engagementThe 5 most essential elements of an email.

Rules of engagementThe 5 most essential elements of an email.

Rules of engagementThe 5 most essential elements of an email.

Social Media 101

Most Important to local business: Google+

Google drives local search & map search!!Google + and Facebook provide social context to search.

Fans make better customers

4 Common Mistakes

1. Just broadcasting, without engaging or responding to customer engagement.

2.Not talking about anything broader than your own products.

3. Listening to customers but not taking action (might as well as not listen)

4. Getting defensive and forgetting about “the customer is always right” (picking a fight…bad idea!!)


Be Great!

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