Dealing with Terrible Customer Reviews


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Dealing with Terrible Customer Reviews

This is what happened to a known Branda few months back

An angry mob coming after your business is the last thing you want

to see, trust me!!

According to Zendesk, 88 % have been influenced by an online customer service review when deciding what to buy.

While you would never want to get

negative reviews, they sometimes happen. Here are 6 ways to

deal with them should they occur.

1) Respond Promptly

Promptly responding to negative reviews shows the customer that you care and value their opinion

Bad Review changed because of Business Owner’s Response

2) Take the Issue Offline

This is one of the most important method to dealing with bad reviews.

Don’t let the whole world see the conversation online…..

Say something like“Thank you for your valuable feedback. I would cherish the opportunity to speak with you about your experience. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.”

4 ) Encourage Positive Customer Reviews

Well, don’t just sit there and ask for your

previous happy customers to give you

a good review..It’ll offset the


5) Share Reviews with Your Employees and ask for their feedback

You think you are smart enough,but you still faced this mess...Talk to your employees,and ask for what could have been done better.It might do wonders.

6) Offer to make it RightDo not argue with the consumer even if you are right, as it will make matters only worse. Fixing the problem will help yourcustomers tone downthat harshattitude.

You can do something like this

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