Craigslist business lead generation


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How To Generate

Business Leads

Through Craigslist

Why Use Craigslist To Generate Leads?

►Most people are not using it to it’s full capability

►60 million people use it in 70+ countries

►High traffic with 20 billion monthly

►12th most popular site in USA and 55 in world

►Average visitor spends 13 minutes on the site

►EBay owns 25% , they are a growing company

►19+ years running, not a fad

Create a Brand New Gmail Account

Dedicated Email Address for all Craigslist interactions

Central place for purposeful lead generation

Allow you to track your leads on spreadsheet

Ability to register a Google Voice phone number

Not mixed in with personal or main business email

The Smart Friend Approach

You are helping them solve their problem

Let them know that you understand them

You have their best interest in mind

Educate them and guide them through their options

Recommend and encourage, don’t be pushy

Share why you believe you are the best option

Be available to quickly answer any questions

Know Your Target Market

What do you REALLY sell?

Peace of mind





What is the CORE Benefit?

WHO do you sell it to?

Business Owners

Stay at home moms

Business Executives

College Students

Retail Employees

What do they value most?

Knowing your audience makes it much easier to craft a compelling message sothat your offer is irresistible to them and it inspires them to take action.

Let Them Qualify Themselves

Common Problems Common Objections

What questions do they have?

What price are they willing to pay?

What have they tried that failed?

How is your solution different?

Why should they trust you?

Turn some people ON and other people OFF

Know their hot buttons!

What are their holdbacks?

What are they trying to get away from?

What are they experiencing?

How does this make them feel?

Graphic Ads Boost Response Rates

Graphic ads get clicked on up to 10 times more than plain text ads

Easy way to grab their attention and communicate message

Use graphics with people experiencing your product or service

Convey your core benefit and have a crystal clear call to action

Publish contact info like phone and email on a graphic for safety

Make your Images 600 wide by 450 tall for best results ( 600 X 450 )

Make an irresistible offer based on WHAT you sell and WHO you serve

Text Ads VS Graphic Ads

Elements of A Compelling Graphic Ad

Grab Their Attention within 3 seconds

Promise a result they are after

Looks professional and builds trust

Evoke emotion through use of people’s faces

Make it simple to take immediate action

Offer multiple ways to contact you

Offer Many Ways To Contact You

List a phone number for people who prefer to talk ( Free )

Allow people to text you to the Google voice phone number

List an email address for them to reply directly to (Gmail)

Let them know your fist name or who to contact for more info

Provide a Form they can fill out easily on the spot

People vary in their comfort level with technology and

their willingness to contact a stranger for help.


Additional Best Practices

Use your location to optimize your listing

Use pictures of people’s faces

Have a personality, be fun and memorable

Make use of all 8 pictures when possible

Respond quickly while they are on “buying mode”



Tips on What NOT To Do

Do Not use crazy symbols on your headline

Do not publish a plain text ad

Don’t be too pushy or sales-y

Don’t give all info upfront, spike curiosity

Do not offer your service or product at lowest price

Don’t post your ad every 5 minutes and be spammy

Quick, Easy, Free Lead Gen Forms


Custom Craigslist Forms In 2 Minutes

Jotform is a simple tool that helps you capture their contact info

No coding, and no technical knowledge is required

Free, Simple, and easy to set-up an account in minutes

Perfect if you do not have a website to collect leads

Ability to set up text message alerts for each lead

People are 5 X more likely to fill out a form than contact you directly

The 5 Minute Craigslist Landing Page

Jotform goes above and beyond contact forms

Create full-fledged landing pages within 5 minutes

No hosting or technical knowledge required

Can create unlimited forms to promote on Craigslist

Use this to supplement website or replace it

Easy to use these landing pages on social media as well

Integrations make it possible to automate tasks

FREE Jotform Advanced Features

Integration Aweber, Mailchimp, Constant Contact

Dropbox and Google Drive

Paypal and

Salesforce and infusionsoft

Clickbank Affiliate Program

Google spreadsheets

SMS Notifications

It helps you … Build Your List

Deliver digital products

Conduct online transactions

CRM /Automate your marketing

Sell CB products

View all leads in one place

Get text message with new leads

How to Set-Up Text Message Alerts!

Jotform will send you a text message when you get a new lead!

Click “Setup and Embed” then select Email Alerts Click on “Add New Email” and convert phone number to email

AT&T Example: Verizon Example: 7131234567@vtext.comThis will vary by your cell phone provider, look it up.

Follow Ups & Staying Top of Mind

Make sure to Follow Up ! MOST people simply DON’T do it.

Be persistent, AND be a smart friend too : )

Create templates for frequently sent emails & FAQ

Send them a free guide, or a post card, or email

Use capsule CRM to automate client relations

Even if they don’t buy from you, capture contact information

Send helpful newsletters, blog posts, information, coupons

Keep your funnel going even when you don’t need business!

Leveraging Video for Big Ticket Sales

Roofing, Selling Homes, Cars, or Big Ticket Services

Video explains and sells FOR YOU 24/ 7

Builds value, explains, demonstrates, deeper dive

Optimize video for your city / location for SEO

Creates social proof and spikes curiosity

Words and pictures are not enough for offers over $500

Craigslist Marketing Resources custom 2 minute forms 5 minute landing pages

Gmail and Google Voice

Mailchimp for ongoing communication

Capsule CRM to keep your funnel going for ad design and videos

Need Help? Have Questions? offers Image ads and HD Videos for Craigslist Ads


WordPress Entrepreneur, Designer, and

Blogger. I am passionate about

storytelling and content marketing. I help

small business owners create growth

focused digital marketing strategies .

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