Content Creation Checklist


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How to Not Fail at Content Creation

The below checklist will ensure you are on the right path — saving you from a waste of time, effort, and money.

Do you have...


I highly recommend assigning a project manager to ensure success — whether they are in-house or from an agency.

More than 20% of content creation projects never reach their full potential.

Why you ask?

Lack of process.


Will your...


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A unique idea for your content storyline?

An organization style guide or brand guidelines to follow?

A measurement plan in place to determine the success of your content?

An optimization plan in place to address any performance concerns?

The right parties on board? From upper management to subject matter experts, writers, designers, clients (if needed)...?

Have you...

Idea or content piece assist users on their buyer journey? Does it have a goal or purpose?

Asset be repurposed to avoid random acts of content?

Idea/topic be useful to your target audience?

Thought about the form the idea would take? For example: checklist, infographic, video, etc.

Created a timeline or calendar so all necessary parties adhere to the schedule and understand any ramifications if deadlines are missed?

Ensured the right team members are involved? For example: social team, media, marketing, search, SEO, etc.

Had a kick-off call with all needed parties to address goals, expectations, and timeframes?

Determined how to promote and distribute your content?

Ensured the content will be SEOed once live?

