Business Card Design Inspiration Ideas



Are you thinking about designing your very own business card, one that will represent your business? If you do not have any idea of where to start, there are actually very simple places for you to begin. Having experience with graphics design will definitely give you an edge.

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Business Card Design Inspiration


Are you thinking about designing your very own business card, one that will represent your business? If you do not have any idea of where to start, there are actually very simple places for you to begin.

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However, if you do not have any, and you want to create your own design and logo, there are easy ways to get this done. Here are a few tips on how to get inspired when making your own business card design.

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Self-Branding With a Photo

The first thing you need to do is take a professional picture of yourself. Nothing speaks more about your company, and how you relate to it, that a picture of you on the card.

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Once you have the photographer take the picture, you should make an image that you can add to your computer. By doing this, you can position yourself on your card in the best location.

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Caricatures Instead Of Photos

If you would prefer not using your own picture, you might want to hire a caricature artist. These individuals are highly skilled at representing people in a cartoonlike fashion.

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Choose a Different Shape

Another thing you can do to make your card stand out is to use an irregular shape. One of the most popular ones that stand out from all of the rectangular cards is one that is die cut. More info on:

A Unique Background

One other thing you should do for your card to make it stand out is to use a unique background or picture. Instead of having a stock white card, with black text with your contact information, by having something unusual that is synonymous with your business.More info on:

By using these simple strategies for making your business card stand out, and associating yourself with the business using your image, your business cards will definitely draw people's attention, which may lead to gaining additional business.

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