Block and Blue


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Block and Blue


Pick One, or Mix and Match• Because the tax receipts are necessary to keep the society afloat.• Because it is our civic duty in support of the commonweal.• Because in exchange we receive enormous value, including basic

services, security, infrastructure, rule of law, social and economic opportunity, a social safety net to somewhat protect our most unfortunate fellow citizens from poverty, in turn somewhat protecting us from our most unfortunate fellow citizens.

• To stay out of prison.

Why do Greeks, Russians, Serbs, Spaniards and Brazilians evade taxes on such a grand scale?

What if?

The Media Economy

Acceptable Ads are not annoying.Acceptable Ads do not disrupt or distort the page content we're trying to read.Acceptable Ads are transparent with us about being an ad.Acceptable Ads are effective without shouting at us.Acceptable Ads are appropriate to the site that we are on.

Whose fault is it?




Ad blocker vendors?



A Simple Fix from the Managing Director of the World Federation of


“The internet advertising experience is not satisfactory for consumers. As brand owners, we have to take a longer-term view and create an acceptable, sustainable advertising environment -- not push things to people in a way that turns them off.“ -- Stephan Loerke

“We have to alter time, space and the laws of economics,” “We have to neutralize ISIS using Upworthy.” 

“As abetted by for-profit technology companies, ad blocking is robbery, plain and simple -- an extortionist scheme that exploits consumer disaffection and risks distorting the economics of democratic capitalism.” -- Randall Rothenberg, CEO IAB

“IAB research shows ad-block use is caused by a general disdain for advertising and concern about the safety of user information. In our nationally representative survey, 89% of respondents who have installed ad-blocking technology reported using ad blockers to improve their experience. The ads deemed most intrusive are video ads that play automatically, screen takeovers, and blinking ads -- all ad types that directly disrupt the consumption of content.”
