Account-Based Marketing: Meetup PPT



Buyers today spend much more time researching a purchase before engaging with a sales person, which puts considerable responsibility for the sale on the marketing team. Account-Based marketing (ABM) strategy helps B2B marketers target high-yield accounts and stay focused on the deals that are most likely to generate revenue. Learn how to: Identify and target your key accounts Discover and map effective content Drive engagement with target accounts Measure and analyze the effectiveness of your marketing programs across various channels Optimize your marketing budget to focus on the best-performing programs Learn from real-life examples and how companies applied this strategy.

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B2B Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

How to Target your Key Accounts and Drive Revenue

Yanir Calisar Product Expert Marketo


•  Defining  Account-­‐Based  Marke5ng  (ABM)  

•  The  3  W’s  model  for  ABM  

•  Successful  ABM  use  cases  

•  How  to  get  started  with  your  own  ABM  

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) “Focus  on  those  accounts  most  likely  

to  generate  revenue.”      

Planning  your  marke5ng  strategy  based  on  Loca5on,  Industry,  Revenue  and  Named  Accounts.  

Why ABM?

•  Minimize  waste  and  focus  marke5ng  efforts  

•  Improve  alignment  between  marke5ng  and  sales  

•  The  data  and  technology  are  available  


•  82%  of  prospects  value  content  targeted  to  their  specific  industry  

•  75%  of  execu5ves  will  read  unsolicited  materials  that  contain  ideas  

that  might  be  relevant  to  their  business  

•  84%  of  marke5ng  execu5ves  say  they  plan  on  developing  a  process  

to  map  rich  media  content  assets  to  buyer  journey  stage  

•  Average  number  of  content  pieces  on  company  websites:  SMB  -­‐  

290,  Ent.  -­‐  2,430.  

ABM Stats

The 3 W’s Model for ABM

The 3 W’s Model for ABM

Who Identify Target Accounts > Verticals > Size/Revenue > Named Accounts

What Discover & Map Content > White Papers > Case Studies > Videos, Posts

Where Channels > Website, Mobile > Email > Advertising

Who - Identify your Target Accounts

•  Determine  account  profiles  

•  Industry,  loca5on,  revenue,  technology  

• Behavior,  customer  journey  and  target  personas  

• Named  account  lists  

•  Correlate  with  strategic  goals  

•  Regional  expansion,  market  share  growth,  big  brands,  compe5tors’  customers  


Financial Telecom Healthcare Your Customized Named Account List

•  Mid-West Target Accounts

•  Top 50 Retail Accounts

•  Key Enterprise Accounts

•  Existing customers

Who - Identify your Target Accounts

What - Discover and Map Effective Content

•  Discover  marke5ng  content  assets  

•  Map  content  to  target  segments  

•  Analyze  content  consump5on  

Target  Segments   Awareness   Interest   Evalua3on   Commitment  

Fortune  500  Why  enterprises  need  

cyber  security  



Case  Study  

Tech-­‐S  product    


Fortune  500  Product    

User  Group  

Financial  Industry  

Customer  Service  in  Finance  Sector  

Blog  Post  

10  Tips  Banking  and  Technology  



White  Paper  

Tech-­‐S  Customer  

Event/  Conference  

Named  Account  Lists  

Learn  how  Tech-­‐S  leverages  site  security  

Overview  Video  


Op5mize  your  web  security  


Security  Expert  Offer  

Free  consulta3on  

Join  the  top  security  execu5ves  

Breakfast  mee3ng  

•  Mapping  content  with  a  Content  Matrix  

What - Discover and Map Effective Content

What - Discover and Map Effective Content

What - Discover and Map Effective Content

Where - Channels




PR’s & Advertising  

Offline Events  

©  2013  Marketo,  Inc.  Marketo  Proprietary  and  Confiden5al      

Use Cases

Use Case •  Blue  Jeans  provides  a  cloud-­‐based  video  conferencing  

service  that  connects  par5cipants  across  a  wide  range  of  devices  and  conferencing  placorms.  

•  ABM  Challenge:  Largest  US  Banks  

Use Case •  ABM  Challenge:  Largest  US  Banks  

Who Largest US Banks Account-Based Lists

What Case Studies Banners / Logos Videos

Where Website Mobile Emails

Real-time Personalization

Real-time Personalization

Getting Started

Where  to  start?  

Iden3fy  high  yield  targets  

Map  effec3ve  content  

Execute  campaigns  

Measure  and  analyze  results  

Key Takeaways  

•  Focusing  on  your  key  revenue  genera5ng  accounts  

•  The  3  W's  model  for  ABM:  who,  what,  where  

•  Gegng  started  is  easier  than  you  think  


Thank you! Any Questions?

Ebook:  Account-­‐Based  Marke5ng  


 Yanir  Calisar  

