$24B JSF Shot Down by One Question - Case Study



Military hardware takes a lot of marketing; when it doesn't work, it takes even more. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter needs a huge amount of marketing because it's too big to fail - but will it ever fly? Get the full details in our blog post http://www.technoledge.com.au/b2b-blog/12-billion-f35-jsf-shot-down-by-one-question

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Why are we

buying the

world’s worst

new war plane?

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‘The F35A’s combination of

stealth, advanced sensors, networking and

data fusion capabilities

will enable the RAAF to maintain

an air combat edge.’ RAAF

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Insert Subtitle: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Can’t Turn

Can’t Run

Can’t Fly

Rand Corporation

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‘The Joint Strike Fighter is the

most expensive weapons system ever developed.

It is plagued by design flaws and cost overruns.

It flies only in good weather. The computers that run it

lack the software they need for combat.

No one can say for certain

when the plane will work as advertised …’

Will it Fly? Vanity Fair

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‘The F35's

long overdue international debut

was aborted last month due to an

engine fire during take-off in Florida.

Regardless, soon after,

an elaborate celebration was staged in Texas

to unveil the first of Australia's 72 F35s,

the largest foreign order to date for the US aircraft.’

ABC 7.30 Report

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‘This Map Shows Why The F-35 Has Turned Into

A Trillion-Dollar Fiasco’. Business Insider Australia

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‘The F35 is an inferior aircraft to those being

developed by “potential threat nations”.'

‘Once you’ve made a decision like this,

it takes more balls to actually say

the emperor’s got no clothes.’

‘This is a bipartisan stuff-up.

It is time to end the madness.

It is time to scrap the JSF.'

Dr Dennis Jensen, former Defence analyst, current MP

Sydney Morning Herald

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"The $12 billion purchase

cost has already been

set aside.’

‘The money might be included in forward estimates, but

money doesn’t get put aside … it’s not been put in the

bank for a rainy day … that’s not how it works.’

Stephen Bartos

Former Deputy Head, Finance Department

Sydney Morning Herald

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'The futuristic F35 Stealth fighter bomber is marketed on

the promise of being

the most lethal predator in the sky.

It'll want to be because despite

deep budget cuts elsewhere, the Abbott Government is

sinking $24 billion into buying 72 of the war planes.’ ABC 7.30 Report

The actual cost of Australia’s F-35s could be much higher than $24 billion.

Canada & Denmark may decide

against buying the F-35.

The fewer F-35s are made, the higher the cost per plane -

currently $200 million.

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‘F-35 needs to work hand-in-hand with the F-22...

The F-35 is not built as an air superiority platform.

If we don’t keep the F-22 Raptor viable,

the F-35 fleet will be irrelevant” Air Force Times

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US Congress voted to stop funding the F-22 Raptor in 2009.

No F-22s have been made since.

The US air force has a few F-22s but its allies

– Canada and Australia among them –

have none and won’t get any, ever.


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‘Defence Department officials have acted as

salesmen for the Joint Strike Fighter rather than doing their jobs and being critical buyers.’

Dr Dennis Jensen

Former Defence analyst, current MP

Sydney Morning Herald
