10 proven eCommerce Email List Building Strategies That Work ( and keep on working)



These eCommerce list building strategies will help you turn the heat up on your list building efforts. Some of these you will have heard of and be familiar with, but we've thrown in some wildcard bonuses, so make sure to watch till the end. And effective email marketing strategy can add $$$$ to your bottom line each month, so make a pledge that you'll start one of these strategies TODAY!

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Put your email opt-in box where your visitors can see it.

And have more than one. Don’t be shy.

You can’t convert ‘nobody’, into email subscribers! In

order to improve your list opt-in rate you need a steady

stream of targeted traffic flowing through your

eCommerce business.

Install a pop-up software that is triggered when visitors

look like they are about to exit the page, or hit the back


Give your visitor a good enough reason to give you their

email, and permission to stay in touch.

Running a contest can have many benefits. Here are just a few:

Re-engage inactive customers

Encourage interaction and engagement on social media platforms

Create excitement and goodwill among your followers

You can even get all technical and create a specific

landing page which shows visitors referred from social

media sites a pop up opt-in box shortly after they enter

your site

Ask the people on your current list to share your email

with their friends (for some extra incentive, of course).

This is a simple strategy, but one that many eCommerce

business owners overlook. Add a link to your opt-in sign

up offer in your business email signature.

Some readers or participants to your threads will

naturally want to know more, and when they land at your

eCommerce site, they’ll find your opt-in box ready and


Many give up, saying, "it doesn’t work." That’s not true. It

does work, and if you keep at it. List building in an

ongoing business activity


CUSTOMER. This is the holy grail of business, so don’t

screw it up.

Set up lists specific to a particular campaign. Track which

one brings the highest numbers of subscribers.

There will be a temptation to go off and try all of these

new strategies at once. Don’t. You’ll fail. Rome wasn’t

build in a day, and neither will your list.

Pick 2-3 strategies you plan to start, and come over and

ask any questions you have on our Facebook page.


Follow and connect with me




So what next?

When you have completed your worksheet, head over to

facebook/pages/brazen-copywriter and write on the wall:

“I have completed the Brazen Copywriter

Ultimate Customer Avatar course.“

Each month, one lucky action taker will be chosen for

a complimentary 1 hour strategy session with me.

Stick a fork in me….I’m done.

Look out for me coming to an inbox near you sometime VERY SOON!Enjoyed this slide deck? Please share it with others. Please & Thank you !
