Weekday Motivators


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Adding A little sparkle to the every day

We understand that the modern working world can become repetitive, so we’ve compiled a list of little pick-me-ups to make your week a little more special.

Our challenge to you is simple: try these little tricks out and see if they make a difference to your week!


Monday, Monday, Monday... We firmly and ardently believe that you should look forward to Mondays. However, after a weekend of excess, sometimes Monday is a little trickier than intended! To start your Monday off right, we recommend walking to work, or parking a little further away, or even getting off a stop earlier. The fresh air will certainly blow away the cobwebs!


Terrific Tuesday

Tuesday can be hard. What we recommend is a hearty dinner on Monday night – with plenty of leftovers to have for lunch on Tuesday! A delicious lunch can really make all the difference.


Hump Day Wednesday Ah, Wednesday. Wednesday is the second best day of the working week. Fact. We suggest listening to your favourite song in the shower in the morning to start your day off right!


Thursday! Thursday is the new Friday. Our plan for you today is simple: do something! Go on a date, go jogging, learn to knit... Just don’t let Thursday evening waste away in the shadow of Friday!


Fabulous Friday Yay! It’s Friday! This particular day of fun can be made even better with a few organised tweaks. Casual Friday in the office? Plan your outfit the night before. Going out after work? Have your clothes ready. Sitting on the sofa? Tumble dry your pyjamas ready for an evening of bliss. Whatever you choose to do, even a vague plan can make the most of Friday.

