The treasure hid in the field



Life changing, like enabling truce to live by. All scriptural quotes from the King James Bible

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The Treasure Hid In The Field

~Hidden Treasure Matthew 13:44

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

I appreciate and treasure these Kingdom of Heaven parables.

• They do not cheapen or shorten the grace of God.

• You cannot actually buy your salvation. • You can declare your appreciation of this great

salvation that is so freely given to you by forsaking all else to follow the Lord Jesus.

• The treasure of his presence is so valuable to you that it is worth all that you have and all that you could ever be.

You see, ultimately, there are

two aspects of the cross of Calvary.

Firstly, is the substitution –

the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God and the son of man died in your stead and paid the legal price of your sin so that God, the Father, could justly forgive you.

Secondly, is the fellowship –

you realise that the only real freedom to live this life in his presence, is to believe and agree to the fact that you died in fellowship with him on the cross of Calvary so that you could live in newness of life.

In this sense you sell or give over

all that you have in order to experience the power of his life and sanctification. Forsaking all you follow him whom to know is life eternal.
