Stress Management (New Job)


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at a New Job


A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting

from adverse or demanding circumstances.

Stress is primarily a physical response. When stressed, the

body thinks it is under attack and switches to ‘fight or

flight’ mode.

Stress is not necessarily a ‘bad’ thing. Without this brilliant

ability to feel stress, humankind wouldn’t have survived.


Acute Physical Stress - Require immediate physiological

response in order to survive. Eg: attack or natural disaster

Chronic Physical Stress - Cconstant stress experienced over

a prolonged period of time. Eg: Starvation, drought

Physiological And Social Stressors - Pressure in our social,

cultural and economic environment. Eg: Work stress


Studies have shown that in the 21st century, workplace

stress is the most common and problematic type of stress.

Work is no doubt a major cause of stress; if its new job,

the stress obviously increases.

Starting a new job can be daunting. The unfamiliarity

coupled with the stress to please those around can make it

difficult to concentrate and do a good job hence increasing

the stress.


1. Saying Farewell

2. Arriving And Settling In

3. The New Job

4. 1000 Miles Away From Home

5. Finding New Friends

6. Workplace Challenges

7. Back At Home

Saying Farewell

Leaving your friends and family for some new tasks ,

challenges specifically for a new job can be highly stressful.

You may not be able to meet them just as often.

Moving to an entirely new physical and social environment

can cause strain and tension.

Arriving And Settling In

Moving to an entirely new physical and social

environment can be both stressful and exhausting.

One may be excited for the new job but also be nervous

about the new environment and wanting to please the

new colleagues, co workers and boss

The New Job

Whether you take up a job as freshman or may switch from

an old job, adjusting to the new workplace and a new social

environment can be stressful.

A new set of responsibilities and failing to keep up to the

expectations of the job will cause tension and strain.

1000 Miles Away From Home

No one likes to live away and alone from their family and

friends specially when you are facing new challenges


Knowing for a fact that home is 1000 miles away is itself a

daunting experience. On top of that, to live away from

your comfort zone , figuring out what to do, when to do,

how to do etc., can be stressful.

Finding New Friends

Everyone needs a social life and no individual can survive

alone in the world. We all need friends.

Looking for friends both in formal stricture and otherwise

can be frustrating and a fear of being judged does take a


Having friends may well keep you healthier and help you

deal with stress better.

Workplace Challenges

Pressure at the workplace is unavoidable due to the

demands of the contemporary work environment.

Parameters like organizational politics and new job politics

can be difficult to mange and understand especially those

with a first job

Back At Home

There may be situations back at home which may require

your attention; but not being able to give them due

attention can be stressful and frustrating.

You are unable to call or tell what’s going on to your family

after a long period of time. You may find that your family

cannot fully relate to you . Hence you may decide not to

tell everything to them so that they are not worried about


A Reliving Conversation

A relaxing conservation with a friend or family

member can relieve a lot of stress and make one

realize that not all tasks can be completed at once.


1. Don’t expect to know everything on the 1st day.

Learn slowly but consistently.

2. You will not be new forever.

3. Be on your best behaviour.

4. Ensure a proper work life balance

5. Be organised and proactive

