Natural Makeup Tips for School


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Natural Makeup for School

Natural makeup tutorial for school - Make up can make a woman appear more

confident. Moreover, when the makeup looks natural, fresh and charming. Face is

plain perfect canvas. With makeup will make you look more beautiful.

Unfortunately, many school girl do not know how to make up natural, when in fact

they know that makeup is able to change his appearance.

Natural Makeup for School

If you want to have a baby face with natural makeup, wear a light face powder,

with colors that match the color of your skin. Therefore, using too thick face

powder that is too thick will make your face like a mask. In addition, thick face

powder easily broken when you start to sweat. This condition will get worse if the

powder you choose was easy melting with sweat.

Natural Makeup for School

Sometimes we feel uncomfortable to use false eyelashes. No need to force

yourself, it's time to switch the other way. Coat the lashes using the mascara. Then

dip the mascara brush in the powder, brush on the lashes again. Lashes so thick and

naturally curly.

If we want the eyes look more refreshed, we can apply a little bronzer to eye.

Bronzer function is actually to make the contours of the face, but can also be a

substitute for eyeshadow makeup items. Some people used to use bronzer because

it has more natural color to the face so that we look like wearing no makeup on the


Natural Makeup for School

Natural Makeup for School

Do not be afraid to wear eye shadow. If you use eyeshadow with natural color, this

will make you look younger. For lipstick, use soft colors that are not too flashy. In

addition blush-on with a light pink will make an impression on your natural

makeup to give effect on our cheeks naturally. Or you can use cream blush that is

more easily assimilated so that it can look more natural.

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