Love and the Law of Attraction



The Universal Law of Attraction wants us to share our love with others. When we do, we find that love returned in abundance. Here's why...

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The Foundation of the Law of Attraction is Love.

From Life Coach &Parenting CoachSharon Ballantine

The foundation for manifesting everything according to the Law of Attraction, is the

principle of love.

Our passions, desires and motivations are fueled by

love. Love inspires our dreams and drives us

toward success.

The cornerstone of finding yourself is self love.

It is the key component for self-worth and self-esteem.

Love calls us to remember that goodness and abundance are our birth right. Through the practice of self love, and sharing your love with others, you

will find that your heart is filled with joy and happiness.

Our highest path will be

one filled with the people

and things that we love most


When we fall in love, our gratitude shines into the

world. We are grateful for love and for the other person,

short-comings and all.

When we fall in love, our gratitude shines into the world. We are grateful

for love and for the other person, short-comings and all.

Over time it can happen that we grow complacent and our love gets replaced with negativity. We may

also have stopped focusing on being grateful for finding a loving

relationship and begun focusing instead on the things we are

ungrateful for.

Remember, negative behaviors can be manifested as easily as positive

behaviors can, especially in the ones we love when we have lost focus on the positives. This too, is the Law of

Attraction at work.

Amp up your intentions and your gratitude. Focus on all the qualities within your partner that you are grateful for. Tune in to all of the

wonderful things that make you love him or her. This will help you to re-ignite and nourish those flames of


You will start manifesting the behaviors and responses that you want rather than manifesting the ones you don't

want. You will open yourself to receiving and giving love.

Let love motivate you to focus deeply and intently on the things you want to manifest in your life. Love is powerful. If you open to it, it will clear away the

negative patterns and fill you with positive thoughts about yourself and

those you love.

Love is our lens into the world. It informs our understanding and

involvement in whatever we do. Love is not just about relationships with

others, it is about our relationship with the life we want to create.

What we manifest or

attract into our lives is

determined by the focus of our


We have the power to create, happiness, joy, and success in our

lives. It is a choice each of us makes through love, gratitude and

awareness of our intentions.

For more advice on applying the Universal Law of Attraction, visit...
