Determination :: The frog story



The frog story provides a very important lesson about Determination

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Determination :: The Frog Story

During a summer, a group of frogs were traveling through the woods...

While hopping, two of them fell into a deep pit.

They looked here and there.. But couldn’t find any means to get out of the pit.

Both of them thought for a while...

“Let’s Jump Out !” decided the frogs..

The other frogs shouted not to do so.. “You guys will die”... They screamed !

Hearing his friends & with great fear, the first frog took a leap of faith !

Alas ! It hit his head on a stone and died - making its fear come true !

The second frog, determined to succeed & the one without any fear, ran a bit and jumped with all its might !

For all its determination, it could successfully jump out of the pit.

The Morale :: Come what May - If you are determined to succeed, You Will !
