Claim the loyalty points


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How To Claim Your Loyalty Points For Free Products

1. In you office page, scroll down to see how much Loyalty Points you have.

2. To claim your loyalty points for free product(s)

click “Place Orders”

3. Click “Go” under “Place One-Time Order”

4. Tick inside the box at “Place a loyalty order”

5. Tick the radio button “Ship with my Automatic Order”

In this way, you don’t have to pay the shipping for the free product(s).

6. Scroll down the page

7. Enter number of product you want to claim

8. Click “Add To Cart”

9. Check the item(s) and click “Proceed to Checkout”

“Continue Shopping” allows you to edit you items.

10. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

11. Click “Continue with Checkout.”

11. Click “Place Order.”

