Abc of happy




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“success is not the key to happiness. Rather, happiness is the key to success”

A Accepting our self

Good things beginto happen themoment you begin to accept yourself

B Being at peace with the world

The world becomes beautiful the movement we correct our eyesight

C choosing to be happy

You can complain that roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses

DDoing without expecting of returns

Happy indeed are those who can take without forgetting and give without remembering

E Embellishing Life With Dreams

Dreams are to life what vitamins are to health they vitalize,rejuvenate

F : Forgiving Yourself and Others

The sunlight of forgiveness scorches the germs of hate and illumines the heart

with the glow of happiness GGiving negative emotions a wide berth

When negative emotions are given a wide

berth, you heighten the level of your happiness and add sparkle to life

H Hoping for the best The sun of hope makes each

new day a bright and sunny day I

Including Hobbies in Daily Life

Hobbies are to happiness what oxygen is to life

j Joyful Accepting Life as it Comes

Let your mind be free flow with the

river and you’ll find the ocean

KKeeping alive the child in you

Where the ‘child’ is alive and kicking happiness can never die

L living in the present

When you stop thinking of yesterday’s regrets,and tomorrow’s fears,you are well on the road to happiness

MMaintaining the physical fitness

Good health is the what makes one feel that now is the best time of life

N Nipping the Problem in the Bud The best time to solve problems is this very moment. So is the best time to be


o option to follow your own self

It is important to respect other people’s music

but dance to your own tune so a to master harmony with yourself

P preparing for the worst Our life is only as good as we have

prepared our self

Q Quitting bad habits

when the door of trivial pleasures closes the door of the

satisfaction opens

R Rewarding your self

The more you reward yourself and celebrate good moments, the more

there will be in life to celebrate

SSpraying the fragrance of happiness on

others Those who bring sunshine into

the lives of others cannot keep it from


T The power of thanks giving

One who is plenteously provided from within needs but little from outside to

lead a happy and fulfilled life

UUnleashing your hidden potential for abiding happiness, seek not

only external treasures, but also look

for the one within you

V Valuing your self and your life

You cannot be lonely and unhappy, if you like person you’re alone with…

WWhy question why?

On seeing something you can question “why", thus creating problems for

yourself; or, on seeing the same thing you can say "why not "and thereby find ways to make yourself happy.

X X-raying your unhappiness

You are the only one who can make a difference to your

world of happiness.

YYearning not for happiness all the time

Welcome some unhappiness sometimes- for being happy the

rest of the time

Z Zestfully pursuing happiness

If you want happiness,do not expect it to fall off the sky! Seek it out everyday…

The Other Books of Author1. Rich in heart Rich in Life.2. In a Nutshell.3. Be a Winner.4. Born to Rise.5. 100 secrets of Winning.6. EGO- The Worst Enemy & The Best Friend.7. How to Boost Your Energy.8. Silver Lining in Every Cloud.

"The confidence which we have in ourselves gives birth to much of thatwhich we have in others.''--La Rochefoucauld.

"There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to

fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in

miseries." --Shakespeare
