A Nerded View On Fashion - Lean Startup for Fashion Labels



This is a talk i have been giving at the L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival 2012 - Industry Forum. It represents my views on how i believe young designers are moving to B2C to make it to the market.

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A NerdedView ONFAshiON

#LMFF | @andreasklinger

how early stage fashion moves from

B2B to B2C.

Andreas Klinger





My background is Tech/Business.

Internal company rule: “Don’t ask me for fashion (style) direction”

I am one of the co-founders of a fashion internet startup called LOOKK.com

LOOKK offers social tools for emerging fashion designers to reach their audience

1) lookbooks (builds social capital)2) popup stores (monetizes social capital)3) pre-order stores (coming next)


Carmen Busquetsdave McClureeden Venturessherry Coutu


Tamas LocherAndreas KlingerGilbert wedamrafael Jimenez

Marco innocenti

15 people fulltime


Launched september 2011

several hundreds designers using our tools.

70.000 users signed up.

“LOOKK [...] fundamentally reimagines

fashion retail in the context of the open social web, harnessing the

voice of the end consumer to quickly understand market

demand and drive more effective business decisions.”

02 NOv 2011

MissONBring better fashion

to the market by leveraging the power of

the internet


The next breakthrough in fashion won’t happen

on fashion week.


FAshiON As


FAshiON As


When I say fashion I mean…

The Speed of the Internet has changed fashion.

Fashion as an Industry is in a similar situation as Music one decade ago.

Music’s product was all of a sudden too expensive.Fashion’s product is all of a sudden too slow

The market found alternatives in MP3 & FastFashion

Internet offering perfect transparency and distribution.

We are working in an oversaturated market that wants permanent rapid change.

We are overfed.


why is Fashionso obsessed

with B2B?eg. Fashion shows

“My customer doesn’t want to wear the same jacket she’s seen photographed over and over [...] for six months.”

Tom Ford - Vogue 2/11

Plus: “Topshop sold it 4 months ago.”

Photo: One of our 7 shows in last year in Germany

He is right. Trend garments are blogged, liked, printed and pinned until no-one can see them anymore.They are overhyped and when they reach the shelf they are boring and old.

Tom Ford is right. But who’s to blame.We are throwing the strongest marketing tool fashion has (the shows) at fast media to create as much as desire as possible.

And then under-service that desire.

Photo: One of our 7 shows in last year in Germany

“Burberry tweeting images before they went on the runway was basically a first big middle finger to the industry”

Geoff Watts (EDITD) at our panel event #FashionBytes 2/2012

The industry changes their game…#livestream #celebrities #preorders #press #realtime

People are starting to sell at show date…

Pre-Orders: Burberry Popup: TopShop sold Tshirts(!) at #LFW12

Shows are part of the entertainment industry (IMG). Sponsors like Mercedes don’t pay to get the attention of buyers. Only because of historic legacy we align shows to B2B cycles.

Fashion Shows today are B2C.

But why do emerging designers still try to play the old game?

“To raise the interest of buyers”

But why do emerging designers still try to play the old game?

“To raise the interest of buyers” - No.

But why do emerging designers still try to play the old game?

“I show to get press and branding.”

But why do emerging designers still try to play the old game?

“I show to get press…”

There are hundreds/thousands of shows in a few weeks. There is so much noise, so little signal. Several of our designers moved to off-cycle shows.

Example: Mark&Julia Blogger & Friends Show created more press than most of local fashion week’s designers together.

“… and branding.”

Good Online Lookbooks are more valueable than shows.

Old saying: ”In the Internet nobody knows you are a dog”

Example: Ksenia Schnaider Online Lookbook and Video Show. Our buyers (and customers) love it.

Example: J.W.Anderson & oki-ni collab Prefinanced by BFC #LFW10

Sold limited pieces online at show date.

Sales at shows?

Limited production for the showdate.

Why not even:

PopUp Store at show venue to sell low-priced generics. (T-Shirts like in the music industry)

“Fashion Shows are so last century […to tell your brand…] make a Film”

Diane Pernet (ASVOFF) at our panel event #FashionBytes 2/2012

Example: Roark showing a promotion film on their website.

why are young designers

so obsessedwith B2B?

eg. Fashion Trade

Trade fairs“The second B in B2B stands for ‘don’t bother me’.”

We were at two emerging fairs this year in #PFW were designers were about to pack up due to the lack of buyers. And (even) we didn’t go to all fairs.

“This is my first (commercial) collection…”(another not named designer, Holland 2/2012)

“Nice collection. See you next season!”(every buyer)

Tradefairs cost 2-6k GBP (excluding PR). Even if your statefund is paying it. This is an investment that does not pay off anymore.

Fashion gets to fast for risk.It’s not the buyers job to make a designer successful anymore.

Buyers push risk down to designers.

Designers need to handle that risk by themselves. Be very cash efficient, cautious and entrepreneural.

if you start a label you are not a designer you are an entrepreneur.

You are running a startup.

Designers are entrepeneurs.

As any startup founders, designers are likely to underestimate everything apart of one thing: themselves.

And they do same mistakes as any entrepreneur (including me).

Who is your customer?

“I don’t know. I never met any…” (not named designer, London 2/2012)

Btw I heard this from many other (non fashion) startups.

Are designers different than

startups in otherindustries?

TL;dr: No.

Fashion gets to fast for risk.Tough times for buyers.

Risk pushed down to designers.

Designers break their business with pre-mature scaling.

“Any other startup” in “any other industry”

All startups need to know, understand and reach their customers & have a demanded product before they scale.

Fashion gets to fast for risk.Tough times for buyers.

Risk pushed down to designers.

Designers break their business with pre-mature scaling.

“Any other startup” in “any other industry”

All entrepreneurs write useless business plans speaking of customers they don’t know and sales they cannot project.

They do not test their make-or-break assumption in their business.

They focus on building a brand or product but not build product according to their market nor build the market at all.

Fashion gets to fast for risk.Tough times for buyers.

Risk pushed down to designers.

Designers break their business with pre-mature scaling.

Discover Validate ScaleGrow

In the early phases (Discovery, Validation):

#1 Job: Discover a market-demanded product.

#1 Problem: Don’t know their customer.

#1 Approach: Following patterns of companies in by far further phases.

#1 Death Reason: Premature scaling.

That’s the same in all industries.

“Any other startup” in “any other industry”

B2B starts here.

Product / Market Fit

Fashion gets to fast for risk.Tough times for buyers.

Risk pushed down to designers.

Designers break their business with pre-mature scaling.

Discover Validate ScaleGrow

Problem: In your first phase sales are an lagging indicator for success.

You need a product that will sell and your revenue comes in very late (esp in fashion).

You need customers you can reach.

You need feedback to iterate the product Feedback > Sales. Feedback > Press.

“Any other startup” in “any other industry”

Fashion gets to fast for risk.Tough times for buyers.

Risk pushed down to designers.

Designers break their business with pre-mature scaling.

“Any other startup” in “any other industry”

- Keep costs per learning as low as possible.

- Avoid economical waste.

- Reduce bound capital until you know in what to invest.

- Improve the product.

- Learn to understand your customer’s needs.



Product Improvement

Fashion gets to fast for risk.Tough times for buyers.

Risk pushed down to designers.

Designers break their business with pre-mature scaling.

“Any other startup” in “any other industry”


- Learn (iterate the loop) as often & quickly as possible.

- Based on customer interaction and feedback.



Product Improvement

For that you would…

Not need Seasons. Not need Collections. Not need Buyers.

Not need Mentors or Sponsors.

You would need customer/audience giving feedback.



Product Improvement

Example: Our Legacy releasing single products gaining as much blog attention as full collections.

Fashion gets to fast for risk.Tough times for buyers.

Risk pushed down to designers.

Designers break their business with pre-mature scaling.

“Any other startup” in “any other industry”

The problem with feedback:- You must not bias your customer. - They always try to be nice to you.- You cannot ask your customer what they “would” want. - They can’t imagine products. That’s your job.- You must not sell but validate your core assumption.

- Find out if they actually have the desire - Purchase frequency, spending, wardrobe composition- Ask how they solve their “problem” currently. - Which brands, Perception of other brands.=> Focus on real interaction with actual content. - Interaction with real garments offline & online.

Based on the customer feedback above. Which style would you focus on next?

Evaluate interaction on real products.

Example: Shwood’s online giveaway. Crazy amount of online attention and also customer insights.

Go offline and online to get feedback to improve products and reduce risk.- Differ between qualitative and quantiative feedback.

Build channels- Online Lookbooks - Tumblr- Facebook- NewsletterFocus on retentive channels. (Newsletter > PR agency)

Train your channels to give feedback.

Example: Daviddavid.co.uk Posting test products in tumblr + shop

Always have a way to sell online.

If you don’t have the ressources put everything to “sold out” and ask for waiting/notification list signup.The value of having your own online sales channels is not the sales.It’s the customers contacts for getting more feedback.

Sidenote: pre-orders to endconsumers work if the delivery is below 6 weeks.So why not go for B2C pre-orders?

Preview Pre-Order Shop LOOKK.

The Internet… Unique problem for fashion but also unique opportunity for new labels.

This generation of designers uses the Internet to go B2C in earliest phases.


The next breakthrough in fashion won’t happen

at fashion week.




#LMFF | @andreasklinger


