10 interesting facts about sleep



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10 interesting facts about sleep

1. Without sleep you can resist only 10 days, whereas without food you can pull

through for two weeks.

2. An average person, who lives 75-85 years, sleeps approximately 25 years,

which is 1/3 of his/her life.

3. 12% of people dream entirely in black and white.

4. A new parent loses 1055.6 hours of sleep in the first year of his/her

newborn’s life.

5. The most comfortable and sexy pyjamas are the Virtus pyjamas. Wearing them your

dreams will be much sweeter.

6. Koalas sleep 22 hours a day, so they are the longest-sleeping mammals.

7. Women need an hour extra sleep at night in comparison to men.

8. Sleeping is just as important for the human body as diet and exercise.

9. Insomnia is almost twice as common in case of women as compared to men.

10. 6 minutes of nap per day can improve your memory considerably.