What Got You Here Won't Get You There: Leading the Next Generation in the Workplace


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What got you here won’t get you thereLeading the next generation in the workplace

Bill Sheridan, CAE

Photo by XFlickrX: https://www.flickr.com/photos/environment/2167097486/

Flexibility Team cohesion Collaboration Supervisor support and

appreciation A clear career path Social responsibility

What do millennials want?

Tomorrow’s CPAs are:

• Proactive• Flexible• Collaborative• Trustworthy• Future-focused• Balanced• Technological

What’sKeepingyoung CPAsup at night?

Not enough time Being reactive vs. proactive Talent development Keeping up Growth (and opportunity) Doing more with less Information overload

11 things young professionalswant you to know

1. More collaboration.2. More transparency. 3. Encourage initiative.4. Focus on strengths.5. Expect the unexpected.6. Take time to save time.7. Look beyond the billable hour.8. Engage your team in your vision.9. Be realistic.10. Train your staff and expect

accountability.11. Take a financial risk on leadership.

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What Got You Here Won’t Get You there