They come to me with the rising sun... & they are not mine




Whispers that come at our deeper ends to enable the true becoming in accordance to the designer's Will i.e Cosmic Intelligence... Each morning when i arise... there is a deep seeking within searching for some message that shall enable me probe and understand myself in relation to all that is moving around myself. These answers come in the form of some thought; which is then brought to some punctuation. I find these words conclusive and appropriate for the furtherance of harmony and fulfillment in my life. I offer them to all unconditionally... for they may have appeared within me but in any way they are not mine... let these whispers be offered as an oblations to the thought world so that they arise like evaporation and become droplets for unknown minds that are relentlessly engaged into self seeking and for the pursuance of their respective dreams... Dinesh kumar

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Faith is born one day & it takes time to Grow...

When it Grows then it may take you to heights beyond measure...

Unless you nourish it... It shall never grow

Remember Faith is Unlike a Tree or a Child that grow with Time... Weak or strong...

Faith upon yourself, a subject, handling any situation or your faith upon others... Faith is a Status...

Dinesh Kumar
