The art of speaking


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The Art of Speaking

Julian Treasure at TEDGlobal

When we give a speech, what audience expects

What they usually get

Julian Treasure gives TIPS on how to speak, so that public want to listen


Who gossip to you, might gossip about you!

Very hard to listen, when you are being judged!

Hard to listen when somebody is negative. And negativity also kills our thoughts!

Your Choice

You can make excuses, or you can make progress


• In the course of time, exaggeration is lying. And we don’t like to hear people who lie!


When confusion of facts with opinions take place, you’re listening to the wind!

In a nutshell, avoid these:

So what are the things to keep in mind

Being true, straight & clear


• Created by Sitanshu Gandhi, SIT Pune, during an internship by Prof. Sameer Mathur, IIM Lucknow.