Kaizen bei Jimdo


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Kaizen bei


Was ist bei Jimdo anders?

Kaizen bei Jimdo







VertrauenskulturVertrauen vs. Kontrolle

– Ernest Hemingway

„The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them."

RetrospektivenEvolution vs. Revolution

– Robert Kiyosaki

„Don’t waste a good mistake... learn from it.“

FeedbackKlarheit vs. Blind Spots

– Bill Gates

„We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.“

CoachingCoaching vs. Management

– Lao Tzu

„Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed

him for a lifetime.“

Coaching Team Vision 2015

Teams at Jimdo have fun in working fast, creative and effectively. Their missions and goals are aligned to the company’s strategy. They communicate openly and collaborate effectively whenever necessary. They respond to change over following a plan and take constantly care of feedback and improvement.

We believe that all Jimdo teams do great things!

OrganisationsentwicklungAlignment vs. Micro-Management

– W. Edwards Deming

„To optimize the whole we must sub-optimize the parts.“

Wichtige Learnings

LearningEin Team ist immer nur so gut, wie seine Umgebung ihm erlaubt zu sein.

LearningDas Management muss als Vorbild agieren und zeigen, wie wichtig bestimmte Verhaltens-weisen sind.

LearningKontinuierliche Verbesserung ist die Angelegenheit der gesamten Organisation.

– Salvador Dali

„Have no fear of perfection - you’ll never reach it“

Danke schön!Nadja Macht // @elbmacht


International PHP Conference Berlin 2015

Fotos: zanthia, Alina Atzler