Bruce's Trajectory


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●Sold GRIT newspapers at age 9, learning negotiation, persistence, and the art of

meeting new people.

●One-time exotic cattle-breeder.

●Along with David Plouffe, President Obama's 2008 campaign manager, Bruce joined Vector Marketing during a college summer, learning compelling presentatio and brand advocacy. These skills have well served both David and Bruce.

●Long ago and far away, Bruce gravitated to theology and philosophy. He joined the ranks of two prominent Presbyterian ministers in America: the first, John Witherspoon, signatory of the Declaration of Independence, sixth president of Princeton University, and direct descendant of Reese Witherspoon, the other, Mister Rogers, a national treasure for many children.

●Served in marketing, advertising, pr and communications

●Product evangelist in the optical industry

●Briefly freelanced as a political consultant, founding his own company, Civoracle.

●Hearing instrument clinician

●Based on his public advocacy, Bruce once declined an invitation to run for the seat of St Louis alderman, once held by former US Representative Richard Gephardt.

●Bruce devoted many years to physician staffing, recruitment, and operations.

●Luxury car sales consultant

●Apple iOS techical advisor
