ADPi Chapter Meeting Efficiency Plan


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Chapter Meeting Efficiency PlanFall 2014

Anna Mae Masi- Guard

Past Problems:•Too much chatter during chapter meetings•Inability to follow correct alphabetical order according to ADPi ritual standards•Overall lack of respect for officers and other sisters during chapter meetings…remember… we live for each other!

Goals:•To enter chapter meetings in an orderly and respectful way•To be in proper alphabetical order according to ADPi ritual •To limit talking and chatter by maintaining and upholding a seating chart•To positively reward members who exemplify respect in chapter meetings •To help ensure all members are able to efficiently receive information regarding the chapter by limiting distractions


Entering Chapter:

Chapter members will be admitted through THREE separate doors based on LAST NAMES:

•A-G: Enter through the KITCHEN door•H-N: Enter through the CHAPTER ROOM door(s)•O-Z: Enter through the SUNROOM door(s)

•There will be lists of the names posted outside each respective door before chapter meetings (including where each member stands in line)

•The organization will be changed once Alpha Members become initiated.

Kitchen: A-G

Chapter: H-N

Sunroom: O-Z

Example of seating chart:

Initiated members will enter in every other row until Alpha members are initiated.


•Each member will be sitting in the exact same seat each week.•There will be a card on each chair with a member’s name on it, so if a member isn’t present in chapter, we will know because her seat will be empty.•At least for the first few weeks, there will be a piece of paper at the end of each row with the last names of the first and last people on the row.


Davis –Green

Seating List Examples:• Last names A-G will enter through the kitchen door

1. Alford, Brooke2. Andrews, Taylor3. Beacham, Hayley 4. Bearden, Jessica 5. Behr, Taylor6. Benedict, Brittany 7. Biernot, Missy8. Bishop, Melissa 9. Bodkin, Ashlyn10. Boone, Kate11. Brown, Rachel 12. Burns, Taylor 13. Cagle, Taylor 14. Cantrell, Maysen 15. Carme, Cara

16. Carnes, Alexis17. Cartledge, Kessler18. Cathey, Ashlyn 19. Ciupak, Rebecca 20. Clark, Emily 21. Cobb, Laural 22. Cordell, Taylor 23. Croy, Caroline 24. Cullens, Geordan 25. Davis, Sarah 26. Dean, Juliana 27. Delaney, Racquel 28. DeLay, Savannah 29. Dennard, Hunter 30. Dipietro, Aubriann 31. Doolittle, Sydney

32. Dostie, Erica 33. Duffy, Brittany 34. Duggan, Kate35. Evans, Morgan 36. Evans, Rachael 37. Gabrielson, Bailee 38. Ghering, Sara 39. Gooby, Addie 40. Grabiak, Jessica 41. Green, Wendy42. Greene, Kristin43. Greene, Meagan 44. Grulke, Christin

*Roster is tentative and subject to change

Seating List Examples: Last names H-N will enter through the chapter room door

1. Hamilton, Ashley 2. Hampton, Melanie 3. Harper, Savannah 4. Hart, Christine 5. Hickman, Shelby6. Hinson, Mariah 7. Hinton, Jacey 8. Holder, Caroline9. Holmes, Emily 10. Hood, Maggie11. Howard, Gabrielle 12. Howell, Emily 13. Hren, Bryce 14. Hughey, Shelby 15. Hunt, Emily 16. Jacobs, Samantha17. Johnson, Caroline

18. Johnson, Kaley 19. Johnson, Megan 20. Johnson, Summer21. Jordan, Jessalyn 22. Jordan, Sydney 23. Kistler, Annamarie 24. Klein, Ciara 25. Klein, Cobi 26. Knight, Kortney 27. Kopanski, Alyssa 28. Kubea, Nicolette29. LaMee, Abbey30. Largent, Hope 31. Lasseter, Kendall 32. Lavender, Corryne 33. Lightsey, Clara Beth34. Lunceford, Kasey

35. Madryga, Laura 36. Mann, Gina 37. Martin, Lauren 38. Masi, Anna Mae 39. McPherson, Ashley Kate40. Miller, Tillery 41. Misterka, Mary Ashley42. Moe, Sarah 43. Monk, Madison 44. Moore, Jessie45. Morales, Melanie 46. Murphey, Samantha 47. Murry, Tori48. Nevil, Katie 49. Norris, Carrie

Seating List Examples: Last names O-Z will enter through the sunroom door

1. Osburn, Erin 2. Pettit, Rebecca 3. Phillips, Hannah 4. Pratt, Lindsay 5. Raftis, Michelle 6. Rainwater, Emily 7. Rasmussen, Kaitlin8. Richards, Megan 9. Ringwelski, Andria 10. Roberts, Sara D 11. Ross, Macneil 12. Ruffo, Bailie 13. Saad, Alex14. Salzberg, Carli 15. Sammon, Ann Marie

16. Satcher, Kristen 17. Sharp, Carson18. Simons, Makenzie 19. Smallwood, Tyler 20. Smith, Lexi21. Smith, Mary Charles22. Solomon, Mary English23. Soph, Bethany 24. Stovall, Kinsey 25. Strickland, Sierra 26. Sullivan, Mary Logan27. Sutlive, Tricia28. Swan, Lexi29. Thrift, Ansley30. Tillman, Kristen

31. Tolbert, Journey 32. Walker, Erin 33. Walker, Kristin 34. Walker, Reyna 35. Wardlaw, Katherine 36. Waters, Halen 37. West, Karlee 38. Widener, Ansley 39. Wilhelm, Maddie40. Wilkinson, Kayla 41. Williams, Hunter 42. Willis, Meagan 43. Wilson, Payton 44. Wood, Kaitie45. Wooditch, Catherine46. Worsham, Logan 47. Yelvington, Marta

Admitting Members

•The Guard will admit members at the sunroom door for easy access to the AV system, lights, and staircase.•Guard committee members will alternate admitting members at the kitchen door and chapter room door. •The committee will be assigned a schedule at the beginning of each month.•Committee members assisting with admitting members will also remind sisters of dress code, proper sign and password, and will not allow food or drinks into the meeting.

Positive Reinforcement•The Guard and Guard Committee members will take note of sisters who showed up early/on time, were always in ABC order, and who were notably mindful and respectful in chapter meetings. •The committee will discuss about these members during the week following, then in the next meeting, said members will receive a gift/token out of the Guard’s budget!

Other Ideas:•Collect a list of where sisters live and who they live with. We will use this list to compile a monthly schedule for setting up and taking down chapter.•Example: We will choose sisters who live at Copper Beech to help set up for chapter on 8/23 because they can carpool to and from the ADPi house. •Every member will be given a hard and electronic copy of this list so they can exchange phone numbers and coordinate rides on their own.

Other Ideas :•Member who are caught using their cellphones, chatting excessively, or violating other rules will be given a warning and the warning will be recorded by the Guard•If the member is caught violating another rule (or the same rule twice) in a given time period, the Guard will report the member to the Director of Standards and Ethics for further review.

I know this seems like a lot!

But just remember…

If we follow this plan we will inevitably have:-Shorter meetings-Less hostility towards meetings/each other/officers-A stronger sisterhood!-More respect for each other!
