Magistrates courts power point, Qadir hussain

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Lay magistrates

Magistrates courts.

Magistrates are ordinary people like me and you.

Lay magistrates do not require a formal qualification in law.

If they can do what we do than why can’t we do what they do?

Lay Magistrates represent all walks of life from our society.

School plays about lay magistracy can help our future generation to understand the importance of lay people in our judiciary.

Plays can help our school kids to understand the procedure of magistrates court.


Magistrates in school’s play


Acting as a magistrate.

Focusing on the role of legal adviser.

Educating kids in school about lay participants in our judiciary can also improve diversity in magistracy.

Educational visits of magistrates court can improve awareness about lay magistracy.

We can develop awareness about lay magistracy through our educational institutes.


We can make a difference.

Modernising and importance of magistracy
