How to find a disability attorney

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How To Find A Disability Attorney?

Disability Attorney

When employing a disability attorney, you should gather referrals from available resources and then look at the lawyer websites.

Before hiring an attorney for your case, be sure to meet for a consultation.

Here are some tips for employing the right disability attorney for your case.

1. Ask Friends or Family

Ask Friends or Family

You can get referrals from friends or family members who has used a disability lawyer in the past if they would recommend their attorney.

Co-workers may be a good source of information as well.

2. Ask Your Attorney

Ask Your Attorney

You might have used a lawyer for a non-disability matter, such as to draft a will or to defend you in a criminal case.

You should ask the lawyer if he or she knows any good disability lawyers you could contact.

Lawyers are often excellent sources of referrals.

3. Contact a Bar Association

Local or state bar association are the best source for getting detailed information about lawyers.

In most states, the bar association will give you the name of one attorney to call.

4. Use A Directory

Nolo, a website which focuses on the law, runs a directory of disability attorneys that you can use.

5. Look at Attorney Websites

After you have the name of one or more disability lawyers, you should check their websites.

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