Why Your Small Business Needs a Website?


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OtonomicYour Online Marketing Companion

July 2015

Company website


Social Media



+ Options

- Cheap, basic, artsy, luxury?

- Possibility for additional destinations

- Interaction with visitors

- Freedom for modification

+ Credibility

- Anyone can make a Facebook page, not everyone can create a professional website

- Customers expect established businesses to have a website

+ Marketing control

- More space and additional channels for customer interaction and sales

- Feature different forms of media

- Promo codes and coupons


- Time consuming

- Requires education on website building and maintenance

- Requires regular updating

- Better website requires more time

- Marketing effort

- Visitors are everything

- Tracking and driving traffic to website one of the main tasks

Social Media


+ Easy and free

- Standard template

- Hassle-free experimenting

+ Engagement

- Social media built around organic engagement

- Open and informal

- Creates bridge between company and potential customers

+ Brand building

- Some things are more easily shared on social media then on a website

- Allows you to talk about values and mission without appearing like a marketing ploy


- Standard layout

- Few customizable details

- Difficult to stand out

- Public feedback

- Frustrating questions or negative comments are public

- Hard to delete

- Requires constant monitoring

- No ownership

- Social media provider owns your page

- Subject to their rules of operation

- Affected by their changes and glitches

- Lower quality analytics

- Overall, websites have far more specific and helpful analytics

- Can make you uncertain about effectiveness of your marketing efforts

Conclusion: BOTH!

- Website and social media presence both crucial

- The two may overlap, but serve distinct functions

- Websites good for professional look and control

- Social media good for communication, trust and understanding

Want to simplify the process? Otonomic creates professional, functional websites using your Facebook or other social media pages. Maintenance is a breeze, too, because anything you post there automatically appears on your site. So if you have a social media account, you’re halfway to completion. Check out Otonomic’s site builder and create your unique website in seconds.


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