Websites for events


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Event Marketing Online Getting the most from your


Introductions Event Websites Website Best Practices Social Media

Introductions Who we are, and what we’re hoping to achieve today

Anthony Congdon

Events Website What are the key ingredients for a useful?

5 Ingredients (+1)

News Feature/ Blog Photo Gallery Online Registration for Participants Correct Contact Information Sponsorship Presence & Packages Social Links


Most websites include a news section and/or a blog that informs visitors about what is going on within their organization or events

This is a great way to tell people that are interested in participating in your event what they need to know for the competition

This could include updates or changes that occur before the day of the event

It is also a good place to post any media coverage of the event

Photo Gallery

Photo galleries are great to have, especially after your event has taken place

Photos of the event can be uploaded onto your website and can be viewed by event participants

People can also view photos of past events ad view what has taken place in previous years

Online Registration

Make it easy for stall holders, participants and volunteers to sign up!

Convenience is crucial for people. The more convenient registration is for people, the more people will be interested in participating

Correct Contact Information

If your potential competitors have questions about your event or organization and they cannot contact you, this presents a problem

It is important to have someone in charge of answering e-mails and phone calls

Make sure to have up to date contact information

Sponsorship Presence

A great way to advertise your sponsors is on your event website

It is easy to add a logo and a link to their website

Its just nice to say thank you!

Website Best Practices What are the key ingredients for a useful?

Three Commandments

Thou shalt be mobile friendly Thou shalt be up to date Thou shalt be easy to find

Mobile Friendly

About 40% of all web visitors are from mobile devices now

What percentage do you think will be looking at your site on the day of the event from a mobile?

Up to Date

Make sure your site is manageable Multiple editors and contributors It doesn’t need to be hard Make small regular updates


Check your event in Google… Think about

Web address

Text vs images

Links from other events and community groups

Social Is it time to get

Share & Share Alike

Consider giving your event a social buzz Encourage participants to share via their

social network of choice Use Facebook to engage with your

community – vollys, attendees and stall holders

Conclusion In

Todays Discussions

Event Websites Website Best Practices Social Media
