Web Gateway India


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Web Gateway India

About Us

Communication plays a very important role in today's scenario and we, at Web Gateway India, India's

leading Website Designing and Development Company, helps you in communicating loyalty to your

customers. Take a leap with us and you will know for yourself. We believe in building one of a kind

relationship with the customers, based on trust and reliance. Our passion for innovation and to

guarantee satisfaction to our customers is what sets us apart. We will not only help you getting placed

above all but also help you keep growing.

Our Vision

To be recognized as a firm which understands its customers and is committed to earn trust and

accolades globally?

Our Mission

o To stay Customer Focused.

o To provide Cost Effective Services.

o To provide Round The Clock Services.

Our Core Values

o Respect

We respect you and your dreams and strive to turn them into reality.

o Trustworthiness

We put our trust in your dreams and try to soar high together.

o Innovation

We like to stand out from mass and help you stay unique as well.

o Creativity

And we are the Michael Angelo's of today. Our creativity lends our work an appealing voice.

o Perfection

Yes, we believe in being perfect.

Our Team

We are a team of professionals who are well versed with the latest technology and promise to provide

you with services that are totally unrivalled. We make sure that we use the software available to us

and manipulate it in a way that can optimize your profit and generate more clicks. Our website

designing and Web Development team consists of Designers, Researchers, Content Writers and

Software Professionals that can provide you with an extra edge over all the others in the online

market. These experts go on to enrich your site with skills that generates traffic and converts most of

the visitors into a buyer with their effective planning, implementation and designing techniques.


o Delivery on Time

o Customer Support 24*7

o Cost Effective

o Result Oriented

o Rich Graphics

o Maximization of usage of SEO Techniques

o Appealing Layout Designs

o Optimization of Images

o Easy Navigation

o User Friendly

o Enquiry Forms

o Standard Service

o Great Content

o Increased Brand Visibility

o Guaranteed Satisfaction

Complimentary Services

o Domain Registration for 1 year.

o Hosting of the website for 1 year.

o Maintenance of the website for 1 year with 24*7 customer support.

o Initial SEO for 1 year.

Global Presence

We are residing in a global village and therefore, we have branched out and created another

benchmark for ourselves. We are not only confined to India but we have soared high and are now

famous globally. Today, we are striving to serve all that you need even outside our country and are

proud to have a rich client base even in the United Kingdom. Our spirit to go beyond the horizon has

been achieved and it is the result of our never-say-die approach. Let us accelerate, shift gear and run

ahead of all.

The Importance of Having a Website for Any Business

A standout amongst the most amazing things when you take a gander at little organizations is

what number of them doesn’t have a site. You would believe that in this day and age everyone

would know how imperative a site is for all organizations. Plainly that is not the situation. Any

business that does not have a site is passing up a great opportunity for a standout amongst the

most intense showcasing instruments accessible to them.

The primary reason that it is critical for organizations to have a site is the means by which

individuals are liable to discover you. Nowadays the vast majority will go online and research

items and organizations before they make a buy, on the off chance that you don't have a site

you are passing up a great opportunity for the greater part of this potential business. Regardless

of the fact that individuals don't purchase your item online they are still prone to research it

online so you need to have a site so these individuals can find out about your business.

A site is likewise vital on the grounds that it helps you set up believability as a business. The vast

majority simply expect that you have a site subsequent to the lion's share of organizations do, in

any event the larger part of enormous organizations do. There are really still very much a couple

of little organizations that don't have a site and without one this is precisely what they will

remain. In the event that you don't have a site that you can elude individuals to potential clients

are going to accept that you are a little time organization that does not consider their business

important. When you set up this notoriety it will be difficult to make deals.

A site won't just give you validity however it will likewise help to give the feeling that your

organization is greater and more fruitful than it might really be. An incredible aspect regarding

the web is that the extent of your organization does not by any stretch of the imagination make

a difference. There is no reason that you can't get your site to rank in Google in front of a vast

multinational contender and channel off some of their movement. This is a major piece of the

reason that a site is considerably more vital for a little business than a major one, it has a

tendency to level the playing field.

Unmistakably there are still a ton of little organizations that don't have sites, there are different

explanations behind this yet for the most part it comes down to the conviction that they are

costly. It is fairly astonishing the amount of little entrepreneurs accepts a site will cost them. In

truth a site can be assembled for almost no cash and in the event that you are on a tight

spending plan you can even get free sites. Recollect that you needn't bother with a goliath ten

thousand page sites for your business, only a straightforward site that informs individuals

regarding your organization and your items will be all that could possibly be needed.

Final Words Website is most important for our Business now days so buy one only at


Website Design Packages

Web Gateway India is the leading Website Designing & Development Company in Delhi, India. We

offer cost effective Website Designing services & packages that suits to your brand or business. Our

Website Design Packages included; Unique Custom Design, Long term and on-demand Maintenance,

Domain Name, E-Mails, Web Hosting, e-Commerce, SEO, and 24/7 support also.

If you're not sure which website design package to select, please contact us. Based on your

requirements we will be happy to suggest the web design package that's best suitable for you.

We also deals in affordable custom design packages show you effort and mail us your Requirement at


E-commerce Packages

Web Gateway India is the leading e-Commerce Website Design Company in Delhi, India. Now start

your online business store with our best and affordable Ecommerce packages which may suitable for

most of the your businesses. If you have require some added additional features and functionality or a

completely other changes, you can easily contact us. We will be happy to suggest the e-Commerce

Package that's best suitable for your online business.

We also deals in affordable custom Ecommerce design packages show you effort and mail us your

Requirement at info@webgatewayindia.com.

What is SEO in short?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the activity of optimizing web pages or whole sites in order to make

them search engine friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results.

This tutorial explains simple SEO techniques to improve the visibility of your web pages for different search

engines, especially for Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Audience This tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the simple but effective SEO



We assume you are aware of simple web technologies such as HTML, XHTML, Style Sheet, etc. If you

already have developed any website, then it is an added advantage and it will help you understand the

concepts of SEO explained in this tutorial.

Useful Links on SEO – Webgatewayindia.com Google Webmaster Guidelines - A list of guidelines which will help you to optimize your site for


SEO Article from Wikipedia - A nice article on SEO from Wikipedia. It has other useful links as well.

SEO Professionals - This is is non-profit organization of search engine marketers founded in April,


Wiki Page for SEO related Concepts - Find many other concepts related to SEO.

SEO Resource Directory - A list of various useful SEO resources

We have a team of SEO Expert which helps you to increase you SERP

(Search Engine Ranking Page). See our affordable packages Below.

SEO Packages

At Web Gateway India, Our SEO Services and Packages are just a small fraction of the return on

investment that we ensure. We realize that each business is different and therefore we customize our

SEO packages based on the requirements of your business. If you're not sure which SEO Packages to

select, please contact us. Based on your requirements we will be happy to suggest the SEO Package

that's best suitable for you.

We also deals in affordable custom packages thanks for showing you effort and Feel Free to mail us your

Requirement at info@webgatewayindia.com.

What is Pay Per Click?

Numerous destinations are constructed however relatively few locales get noteworthy activity.

It is a troublesome errand to get your site saw, regardless of the fact that you are giving a

profitable administration. There is impressive exertion and expense that goes into Search Engine

Optimization (SEO) and legitimately so. In the event that you can dial up the enchantment mix

that gets your site natural activity from a web search tool, your website can prosper.

SEO requires some serious energy. For one, it requires some investment for your site to be

recorded. Another reason is that new locales by and large endure in things like Page Rank and

timeframe being listed so it won't rank high in general.

This is the place Pay per Click comes in. PPC through destinations like Google will convey

individuals to your site in light of magic words that you pick promptly. It can kickstart your site

into overdrive when your battle begins. The best things about PPC are:

Quick Traffic

Financially savvy

Essential word Based

Extraordinary Analytical Tools

Numerous individuals commit the error of not attempting PPC on account of the expense. The

fact of the matter is that it can be extremely modest to attempt and on the off chance that you

get accomplishment from it, it pays for itself. In a few ways, it is more financially savvy than

numerous SEO programs that you see pitched everywhere throughout the web. Paying

somebody a considerable measure of cash for SEO doesn't fundamentally mean you will see

comes back from it. PPC is certain to convey individuals to your site and in the event that you

pick the privilege watchwords, it will be individuals prepared to purchase your item or


PPC is a somewhat of a riddle to do effectively however. You need to make sense of a financial

plan for each day, what watchwords you need to utilize, and what is the most ideal approach to

enhance your financial plan. I recommend you begin will a little spending plan and break down it

consistently to figure out what is best for you. The devices to break down PPC are astounding

and you can get extremely granular in the investigation of what works for your site.

On the off chance that you don't know where to begin on a PPC battle, locate a decent expert

(perhaps somebody like New South Interactive). A decent advisor will help you setup a battle

and begin drawing in individuals to your site.

I just setup another customer today with PPC and they are as of now seeing the advantages of

the crusade. The site is new and has no connections to it yet so it had almost no activity before

the battle. Keep on dealing with your SEO as well, yet in the event that you have to get prompt

movement, PPC is the best approach. Construct an incorporated crusade of Search Engine

Optimization and Pay per Click for best results.

PPC Packages

Logo Design

Thanks for Reading


Contact: info@webgatewayindia.com

India - Mobile No. : +91-98-18-140-259

Phone No. : +91-11-42883974

UK Mobile No. : +44-33-30-147-039

US Mobile No. : +1-718-535-79-57
