Spruce up your website with a Blog


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You’ve probably heard that social media is great for marketing your product or service and

reaching new customers.

But what about blogging?

Blogging builds trust.

Blogging builds trust.

60% of customers feel more positive about a brand after discovering custom content, such as a blog.

60% of customers feel more positive about a brand after discovering custom content, such as a blog

Blogging is a more organic type of advertising.

It builds brand awareness, creates loyal customers, and shows a side of you that is not just concerned with the bottom line.

What’s so special about blogging?

It gives your business a voice. You get to connect to followers in a more personal way. Your blog shows what you’re interested in, what

your goals are, as well as your struggles and how you overcame them.

The Power of Blogging

Blog posts are influential enough to cause a purchase, i.e. they consistently increase sales.

Making more blog posts increases a website’s visitors significantly.

It’s no wonder close to half of US companies use blogs simply for marketing their products and services!

Blogs are lead generators.

In terms of gaining access to new customers and building an email list, this makes blogs

the perfect sidekick.

• Companies with blogs get 55% more website visitors.

• Small businesses that blog regularly experience125% more growth through leads

• Just 1-2 blog posts per month creates 67% more sales opportunities

• Blogs are over 60% more likely to cause a purchase than even magazine articles

• In the US, internet users spend 3X as much time on blogs than email or social media

Fast Facts

Making Blogging Work for You

Get informed about your reader’s psychology. What are they looking for?

What makes them like, comment, or share your content? Posting tips, solutions, food for thought, and info on new products or

services will result in a satisfied and growing base of readers.

Zappos is a great example of a company that understands blogging. They cover several topics, proudly share employee accomplishments, and follow up via email.

Blogging Solutions by Otonomic

Otonomic websites are designed to leverage the benefits of quality content production, without taking you away from your work.

How do we do it?

Anything you post on social media is automatically turned into a blog post on your site.

This includes images, news, product launches, and whatever else you would like to share with your followers.