Effectively Marketing The FGBMFI IN Your Locality


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Effectively Marketing The FGBMFI In Your Locality

2014 National Training NT 1407


“But for your day-in year-out, I want you SMALL , LOCAL and SENSITIVE to me. I do not want uniformity I will never take two men, or two places in just the same way. Give me outlets for my INFINITE VARIETY’

Demos Shakarian –Vision Intensified

Objectives• To demonstrate practical application of

the global vision and mission to your locality.

• To showcase the relevance of the Fellowship to the needs of the people in different environment and situations

• To emphasize a DIVINE PATTERN- though the vision is one, “every chapter and every meeting is different”

The FGBMFI Vision

According to Demos:

“…the vision is people, the vision is God’s Holy Spirit changing lives. The vision is God breaking the chains of the devil and setting the captives free”.

What Is The Demography Of Your Community / Chapter?

Every community/chapter must have a character:

1. Age Bracket: Young, Middle-aged and Retired.

2. Social Status: Youth, Executive and Eminent Persons.

3. Profession: Military, Bankers and Civil Servants, etc.

4. Marital Status: Single, Married, Parents and Grand Parents

Identify The Needs Of Your Community

1. SPIRITUALLY: What are the prevailing spiritual needs of your community? Are these needs being addressed effectively? What’s the prevailing religion and belief?

2. PHYSICALLY: What are their health needs?

3. SOCIALLY: How strong are their family values? How’s social, economic and political climate?

The Character & The Needs Determine…


2. CHAPTER PROGRAMMES: Outreaches, Advances, Seminars, Relevant Topics and Speakers.

Ask Yourself:


Unlimited Opportunities to Market FGBMFI In Your Locality

• Market Place Outreaches• Fire Teams• Voice Walk• Airlift• Land Lift• Trade Fairs• Valentines Day• Wedding Engagements and Receptions• Birthdays• Wake Keeps• Condolence Visits• Sports, Professional Conferences, e.t.c.

When Your Chapter Is Local & Relevant…

1. Men are attracted to come.

2. They stay and grow

3. They show commitment

4. They become financially active.

5. They get testimonies

6. They invite others

7. The chapter is healthy

8. The vision is fulfilled.

When Men Buy Into Your Chapter, Heaven Gives An Open Cheque

“You have not chosen me, but I have CHOSEN you, and ORDAINED you, to go and BRING FORTH FRUIT and let the fruit remain. That WHATSOEVER you ask the father in my name, he may give you”


You Market The Best Brand- JESUS

The people in your community are your customers

Package and advertise your BRAND to effectively meet their needs

Your chapter is effective when you retain old customers and attract

new ones.
