5 easy to-follow tips to make word press site optimized for search engines


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5 Easy-to-follow Tips to Make WordPress Site Optimized For

Search Engines

Written By : Ava Garcia, WordPress Developer At OSSMedia Ltd.


There are more than 60 million WordPress websites out there. So, if you're planning to create a WordPress powered site or are already having one, making it stand out from the rest and drive good traffic to the site can be challenging. One best way to achieve such an objective is to make your WordPress site optimized for search engines. In simple words, it is important that your website ranks higher and appears on the top of Google's search results.

Tips to Make WordPress Site Search Engine Optimized

1. Unique Content

The most obvious and important factor that can help make your site optimized

for search engines such as Google is: add unique content with properly

highlighted keywords. Though you will find plenty of ways to promote your

business product/services, but content marketing remains to be the most

effective of them all.

People browse the web to access fresh and relevant information, and that's why

Google value the websites containing unique content, and thus will help you

get higher ranks in its search engine results page (SERP).

Tips to Make WordPress Site Search Engine Optimized

2. Use SEO-friendly Permalinks

One problem you'll face when creating a WordPress website is that its default

permalink structure is not search engine friendly. So, when you install a WP

theme, its default permalink won't be SEO-friendly. However, you can change

the permalink structure, by moving to WordPress Dashboard → Settings →

Permalinks (as you can see in the below image):

Tips to Make WordPress Site Search Engine Optimized

Tips to Make WordPress Site Search Engine Optimized

Tips to Make WordPress Site Search Engine Optimized

3. Use Nofollow Attribute in Outgoing Links Chances are that you might be sharing your website's page rank, which results in

getting you less visibility in search engines. Wondering how? Let's say, you're using a WordPress plugin that allows you to retweet for each post, using such a plugin will display the "retweet" button at the beginning of a post on your main page. For example, if you have 12 retweet buttons that links to twitter.com, then you'll be having 12 outgoing links, which means you page rank is getting shared. But, you can avoid such a situation from happening, by making those outgoing links as "nofollow" links.

For this purpose, you just need to use rel="nofollow" attribute in your outgoing links. This attribute basically helps in telling search engine crawlers about the links that they shouldn't follow or the page's rank they shouldn't share with the outgoing links.

Tips to Make WordPress Site Search Engine Optimized

4. Use Good and Clean Code Keep in mind that using code that contain errors may prevent search engine bots

from crawling throughout your website pages successfully. And this is why it is important that your site W3C validated.

5. Make Use of SEO Plugins

There are several WordPress plugins that can be used to make your site SEO


Tips to Make WordPress Site Search Engine Optimized

Tips to Make WordPress Site Search Engine Optimized

Tips to Make WordPress Site Search Engine Optimized


● There are millions of WordPress sites over the web, and thus getting good traffic to your site and higher page rank on search engines can be a daunting proposition. This is why it becomes important to follow the ways or tips that could help you in achieving good ranks in Google SERPs, and attract traffic to your site. Writing unique content, adding properly highlighted keywords in page titles, using nofollow attribute, etc. are some great tips that can help you in optimizing your WordPress site for search engines. Besides this, you can choose to get your website tailored according to your needs using WordPress Themes Customization services. This means, you can use hire a development partner to make your site customized in a way that makes it SEO-friendly.
